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The Provincial Council of Independent Theater is reorganized – InfoRegión

The previous government reduced them to eight, but from April there will be eight new ones and it will allow “greater representation in the territory,” they explained.

The Provincial Council of Independent Theater (CPTI), which is responsible for supporting, promoting and protecting independent theatrical activity in the province of Buenos Aires, will once again have greater representation. In 2016, after the management of the Government of Cambiemos, they were reduced to eight cultural regions, but as of April 1 there will be 14.

Behind the resolution 95-MPCEITGP-2021, issued by the provincial government, the new distribution of cultural regions in the territory of the Province of Buenos Aires was established, which will take effect as of April 1, 2021.

In dialogue with one of the representatives of East South, Alejandro Pepe, who is part of the theatrical organization -created in 2016 in view of the need to generate a space for meeting, promoting and disseminating the theatrical activity of Avellaneda, Quilmes, Berazategui and Florencio Varela- commented to Region Info that it is “a historic step.” “We are very excited, tears everywhere because this was truly done with the lungs“, He expressed about receiving the news.

EsteSur is a theatrical organization that strengthened networks between the four municipalities and that progressed without any subsidy. This network of independent theater performers from the southeastern suburbs is recognized by the Estesur Teatral Festival, which year after year, since it emerged, organizes -except last year, which was unable to do so due to the Covid-19 pandemic-. It also conducts training sessions, plenary sessions and generates spaces for discussion on problems and needs of the sector.

This new regionalization is born from the balance between the proposals and needs raised by the provincial and regional groupings. We are also deeply grateful to the management of Aldana Illan, because they knew how to listen to our claim.“Pepe pointed out. “The increase in the number of cultural regions seeks greater representation in the territory, which will give us certain facilities, or at least allow us not to be in tension with some issues“, He confessed.

We resist the neoliberal pandemic for four years and the Covid pandemic for one year. We are very happy for the arduous fight that we gave and that we have been giving“, He said, and underlined:” This is a great step, it is a historic step for us.

As Pepe explained, with this redistribution, the representativeness of each councilor within their territory will increase and production circuits will be created taking into account access, mobility and valuable historical dynamics between municipalities.

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