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The province held a conference to analyze the progress in teacher training institutions – Aptus

More than 120 participants evaluated the Educational Research and Institutional Strengthening lines of Teacher Training Institutes.

With a meeting that brought together more than 120 participants, the evaluation day of the Research and Institutional Strengthening lines of the Teacher Training Institutes of the province took place.

In this regard, the Undersecretary of Education The superior, Patricia Moscato, underlined that “we are aware that teacher training institutes are essential to guarantee the right to education as a public good and, in this specific case, the right to free and quality higher education”.

Referring to the conference, Moscato explained that “the work carried out by the educational research and institutional strengthening lines was studied in depth, socializing the various actions carried out by the jurisdictional teams, while the 2022 proposals were analyzed in projection of the school design for the year 2023” .

Teacher training: lines of work

During the day, the progress of the priority actions of both bodies was discussed on the basis of the analysis of the different articulations promoted by the MIUR for teacher training institutes.

In the case of the institutional strengthening line, diagnoses and evaluations of the actions were carried out, identifying the problems and designing the 2023 strategies with a territoriality criterion to analyze the various problems and their recurrence.

As far as the line of research is concerned, it was highlighted that the Provincial Directorate for Research and Educational Evaluation, headed by Francisco Corgnali, accompanied the presentation of 59 research projects, emphasizing the level of research production of the higher institutes of Santa Fe. In this sense, the agreement that the provincial teaching portfolio has signed with the National Pedagogical University (UNIPE) stands out, for which 300 Santa Fe teachers have studied the Diploma in Educational Research.

The team of the Observatory of Practices instead presented the various actions carried out during the 2022 school year, taking into account the importance of this space for the democratic construction of knowledge, generated by the pandemic and promoted by the Undersecretary of Higher Education. . In this context, the lines on which work was done were presented: virtual workshops, territorial exchange shifts and guidelines for the days of co-trainers.

Presentation of the first level blog

Similarly, within the framework of the conference, the publication of the upper level blog was presented, which is a space for collective writing of the level in which, since 2020, more than 281 articles have been written, produced by managers, teachers and students, among other members of the higher education community.

The materials are cataloged in two areas: “Higher level pedagogical productions in a territorial key” and “Narrative registers of experiences of higher level teaching practices”. It was exhibited in virtual format and will arrive in paper format in the coming months.

Finally, from the joint management between the higher education area and the ESI Provincial Coordination, responsible Ximena Frois, the book “ESI and teacher training” by Graciela Morgade was delivered to the heads of the institutes.

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