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The protester who threw a burning torch at policemen in East Jerusalem: veterans of “Brothers to Arms”

“The right to protest is basic, we will continue to protest without violence”: The suspect who threw flaming torches at police officers and was arrested this morning is Roy Gordon, a veteran operator of the “Brothers in Arms” movement and a “New Deal” candidate for the Tel Aviv City Council. In announcing his arrest, the police clarified that no one was injured by the throwing of the torches. Gordon previously confronted MK Rothman during the megaphone storm in New York.

The police representative said that during the demonstration the respondent threw two burning torches at the police forces, and one of the torches hit a policeman. “The torch is made of cloth, and if it had stuck to the horse’s head – we would have been in danger of his life and that of the demonstrators. The respondent was interrogated and in his investigation does not deny throwing the torches but gave a version of how they were thrown.”

A police officer at a demonstration in Jerusalem, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

A premeditated action

Gordon’s defense attorney pointed out that he is having an anxiety attack himself, since he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and has a disability certificate. “He takes medication regularly and relies on psychological therapy.” The defense attorney added that his mental state can only deteriorate and he should be sent for an urgent psychiatric examination.” 22 years ago, Gordon survived the attack at Cafe Moment while working as a bartender there.

Judge Gad Arenberg, who extended his detention, noted that the first download of Gordon’s phone shows that it is apparently not a random action but one that was planned in advance. “It is true that demonstrations are at the heart of democracy, but turning them into violent incidents while throwing torches at policemen while risking human and animal lives, they are not democratic, and may even lead to anarchy. These are, according to the suspicion, serious crimes that endangered human and animal lives, while Violation of explicit instructions given regarding the end of the demonstrations.”

Brothers in Arms stated in response to the arrest: “Roy Gordon, our brother in arms, was arrested after participating in a demonstration for the return of 133 abductees from hell. Since the seventh of October, he has been accompanying the families of the abductees non-stop and is in close contact with them. Roy, a reserve paratrooper officer who is dealing with post-trauma following his service The military, dedicated all his work to the families and their pain is rooted in his heart.”

Roy Gordon of the “Brothers to Arms” leaders threw a flaming torch at the police, photo: no

In any case, the leaders of “Brothers in Arms” did not make light of the violence used by their friend: “We wish to clarify unequivocally: there is no place for violence in a democratic civil protest. The right to protest is a basic and vital right, we will continue to protest resolutely, without violence, against a detached government that sees the His political survival comes before the good of the country.”

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