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The protagonists in the formation are keeping their mouths shut about this

And what is undoubtedly also on the negotiation table is immigration (in the current coalition D66 and ChristenUnie regularly opposed VVD and CDA on that point), education (D66 wants to make the “largest structural investment in education ever”), Lelystad airport (VVD). wants to open it, ChristenUnie and D66 do not) and healthcare (by far the most expensive part of the Budget Memorandum, which is only getting more expensive).

Completed Life Law

Then there are also medical-ethical issues. D66 and ChristenUnie in particular are diametrically opposed on this. It was agreed in the current coalition to take it easy on this theme, but D66 and VVD do not want to stand still for another four years.

Or, in the words of D66 leader Kaag, when she excluded the ChristenUnie this summer: “A car that you park will rust if you don’t drive it.” And what’s in the trunk? The completed life law, cultivating embryos for scientific research and the abolition of the mandatory reflection period for abortions.

The ChristenUnie wants to lay down these issues in a coalition agreement. The two liberal parties believe that the House of Representatives should vote on it. Because it is a sensitive point in the negotiations, ChristenUnie leader Segers has said that ‘medical ethics’ should be discussed quickly.

On last but not least the surcharges. Nine months ago, the current cabinet fell for it and the next cabinet will also have to deal with it. If only because the recovery operation not running well, but certainly also because the system is not good according to the four forming parties.

Sinterklaas or Christmas

The allowance system with allowances for childcare, care and rent is complex. This leads to all kinds of problems in implementation with major consequences for people, but it also makes it possible to provide support to those who are entitled to it.

The VVD wants to make the system simpler “without putting vulnerable people at a disadvantage”. The CDA also advocates simplification, accepting that regulations will become “more unfocused”. The ChristenUnie and D66 want to exchange the allowance system for a tax discount.

How long it will take until all these subjects are bundled in a coalition agreement is uncertain. Recently, the mouths of protagonists have been saying “certainly for a few more weeks”, or words to the same effect. A little more specifically, the hope for a Sinterklaas agreement or a Christmas branch cord.

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