Home » today » News » The prosecutor’s office confirmed the irregularities in the “Rydzyk wells”, but will not take any steps

The prosecutor’s office confirmed the irregularities in the “Rydzyk wells”, but will not take any steps

It’s that “drilling Rydzyk“may be affected by serious formal irregularities, he reported the prosecutor’s office entrepreneur Krzysztof Karnkowski. The man submitted a notification on this matter in May 2020, and he waited for a response until November.

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There is a park at the site where the bore was supposed to be

From reports Onet it follows that the prosecutor’s office did not find any irregularities in the case of the first drilling. Doubts arose, however, in the case of the well marked as Toruń TG-2.

Referring to the allegations you have raised regarding the performance of the Toruń TG-2 well, it should be stated that in this case the conditions specified in the concession issued by the Minister of the Environment were indeed breached.

– stated the prosecutor’s office.

The abnormalities relate to the relocation of the drilling site to another location. Although the prosecution recognized the problem, it said it would not take any action on the case, as drilling was done 10 years ago, and “the appropriateness of taking action in this regard runs counter to socio-economic goals.”

The well in question was drilled more than 700 meters from the site indicated in the concession. There is a park in the place where it was originally supposed to be built. Portal tylkotorun.pl notes that both the drillings made by the Lux Veritatis Foundation and the Memorial Park founded by Redemptorists were funded by public money.

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The judiciary treated the entrepreneur differently than Father Tadeusz Rydzyk

Krzysztof Karnkowski looked at “Rydzyk’s boreholes” because his company was in a similar situation. In 2011, the company Termo-Glob, which belongs to him, started a geothermal investment in Piaseczno near Warsaw. During the inspection, it turned out that the contractor had drilled a well on the right plot, but in the wrong place. The case went to court and continues today, the heat and power plant has not been launched, and a bailiff has entered the accounts of entrepreneurs. According to the prosecutor’s office’s letter, such unpleasantness does not await the foundation established by Father Tadeusz Rydzyk.

Mariusz BłaszczakThe Father Rydzyk Foundation with a grant from the Ministry of National Defense. She got even more from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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