Home » today » News » The Prosecutor’s Office asks for six months in jail for Alberto Rodríguez for the alleged attack on a police officer | Courts

The Prosecutor’s Office asks for six months in jail for Alberto Rodríguez for the alleged attack on a police officer | Courts

The Prosecutor’s office of the Supreme Court has announced that it requests a conviction of six months in jail for the secretary of organization and deputy of United We Can, Alberto Rodriguez, for the alleged assault on a national policeman in La Laguna in 2014. They attribute a crime of attack against authority and, in addition to the jail sentence, they also attribute a crime to him. misdemeanor injury with a fine of 540 euros.

The Prosecutor’s Office also asks that he compensate the kicked agent with 250 euros. It is, therefore, a lower sentence to the one requested by the Public Ministry when the case was processed before a court in the Canary Islands before Rodríguez was registered before the Supreme Court, requesting then a whole year of imprisonment.

A hypothetical conviction in these terms, if convicted, would not imply or the mandatory entry into prison of the parliamentarian or the disqualification sentence that the Prosecutor’s Office also requests would imply the loss of his seat, although it will prevent him from standing in an election during the half-year that the sentence lasts, if it arrives and coincides with some elections.

The judge who has instructed the case, Antonio del Moral, decided to prosecute the secretary of organization of We can understanding that there are sufficient evidence to at least bring him to trial for the alleged assault on a National Police officer. According to the Prosecutor’s Office, Rodríguez participated in the riots after a protest in La Laguna in 2014 against the ‘Wert Law’ and kicked a police officer, injuring his hand and knee.

Rodriguez denies it

To date, for now, the deputy of United we can For Santa Cruz de Tenerife, he has acknowledged that he participated in the protest but has denied having attacked the agent and, even, having been at the scene at that time. “Nothing happened that they say happened,” he said at the exit of his statement as a defendant last March.

The case was taken to the Supreme Court when Rodríguez acquired the approval as a deputy, but already in its processing before a court in the Canary Islands the Prosecutor’s Office asked for jail time for him. Since the purple formation has been Pablo Echenique, a spokesman in Congress, who has shown his support for Rodríguez by speaking of “one of the trials without evidence that the people of Podemos are being made of us” and alleging that “there is no material evidence that he has committed these crimes, and yet it is imputed to him “.

The spokesperson for United We Can in Congress, Pablo Echenique, during the closing ceremony of the party’s campaign at the Lourdes y Mariano amphitheater in the Cuña Verde park in Vicálvaro, May 2, 2021 / Isabel Infantes (Europa Press)

Echenique links the opening of the case with Rodríguez’s status as a member of the purple formation. “I think that all of us have seen what has happened these years with this type of accusation against Podemos, we trust that it remains nothing, there is no material evidence because it has not committed the crime that is accused and surely if it were not from Podemos We would never have seen Alberto Rodriguez charged, so my support for the comrade and my conviction that this trial is going to end like the others when there is no evidence and the crime has not been committed. “

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