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The prosecutor calls for the death of Benny Tjokro: huge financial losses of the state


Commissioner of PT Hanson International Tbk Benny Tjokrosaputro sentenced to the death penalty. Prosecutors said the financial losses and state attributions received by Benny Tjokro were very high.

Prosecutor Wagiyo said that in the PT ASABRI bribery case, the actions of defendant Benny Tjokrosaputro and other defendants resulted in a total state financial loss of Rp 22,788,566,482 083 (trillion).

Where the attribution and state financial losses due to the defendant’s actions are Rp 6,048,118,815,081, the value includes the attribution of the shares of Benny Tjokro which are controlled by the defendant using the nominee and Jimmy Sutopo at a profit received from Jimmy Sutopo of Rp 314,868,567,350 and the profit attribution received from defendant Benny Tjokrosaputro equal to Rp 5,733,250,247,731 (trillion).

“The value of the state financial losses and the attributions enjoyed by the defendants are very large and seriously damage the public’s sense of justice,” prosecutor Wagiyo said reading his demands on Wednesday (10/26/2022).

In addition, the prosecutor also requested that Benny Tjokro’s assets in the PT Jiwasraya case, which had economic value, including assets obtained outside the tempus delicti that had been confiscated and used as tools for committing criminal acts, be confiscated. At the state. In the meantime, evidence of economic value, including assets obtained in the tempus delicti as confiscated, must be declared the proceeds of crime and confiscated from the state.

“Having regard to the provisions of Article 39 (1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Article 46 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the evidence used when the accused committed a criminal act of corruption, and the evidence obtained from the proceeds of a criminal act of corruption must be declared confiscated from the state “, said the prosecutor.

“In the meantime, evidence deemed unrelated to the criminal act of bribery committed by the accused in the main proceedings must be returned to the place where the evidence was confiscated and to evidence in the form of documents that have no economic value and are not it is more used to prove criminal cases, otherwise it must be specified that it is still attached to the file, “he said.

Benny Tjokro is sued for death

PT Hanson International Tbk Commissioner Benny Tjokrosaputro was sentenced to the death penalty. Benny Tjokro was found guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption in the PT ASABRI scandal that cost the state up to 22.7 trillion rupees.

“To demand that the jury examining and hearing this case be able to decide to declare the defendant Benny Tjokrosaputro was legally and convincingly under the law guilty of committing a criminal act of bribery with joint weighting and the crime of money laundering” , the prosecutor said while reading the allegations to the Jakarta Corruption Court, Jalan Bungur Besar, central Jakarta, Wednesday (10/26/2022).

“Convict the accused Benny Tjokro with the death penalty,” the prosecutor said.

Benny Tjokro is found by the prosecutor guilty of having violated article 2, paragraph 1, in conjunction with article 18 of law no. 31 of 1999 relating to the eradication of corruption offenses, as amended by law no. 20 of 2001 concerning the amendments to law no. 31 of 1999 on the eradication of criminal acts of corruption in conjunction with article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st criminal code and article 3 of the law of the Republic of Indonesia number 8 of 2010 relating to the prevention and eradication of money laundering offense.

Benny Tjokro was also charged with a cash replacement judgment of Rp 5,733,25247,731 with the proviso that in the event that the defendant fails to pay the replacement money no later than 1 month after the inkrah’s decision, his Property can be confiscated by the prosecutor and sold at auction to cover replacement money.

(oil / platform)

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