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The Prosecution of Former US President Donald Trump: Reflecting Problems with the US Political System and Democracy

The prosecution of former US President Donald Trump Analysts point out that the allegations against Trump reflect problems with the US political system, with Trump not only a threat to one political party. But it was also seen as a danger to democracy.

Former US President Donald Trump (Source: Donald Trump website)

from the end of March until now There has been a lot of media attention on the 34-count trial against former US President Donald Trump. After previously there had been cases of further prosecution. (Former) national leaders take place in other places. And in some cases, these leaders face prison sentences, such as in South Korea, Peru, Malaysia and Brazil.

All 34 charges against Trump are gross misdemeanors. There are allegations of tax fraud and accounting fraud. Allegations that Trump used to silence the media with a so-called “catch and kill” method that involves the media buying exclusive publishing rights. to content that negatively affects the employer and having the media with exclusive rights to publish it shut down to “kill” the story, which Donald Trump did during the 2016 election campaign.

One of Trump’s attempts to deceive the media. What Western media have often portrayed lately is Trump paying to silence porn star Stormy Daniels in order to keep his voice quiet about the Trump scandal.

John Peffer, editor of Foreign Policy In Focus, said the media focus on Stormy Daniels seemed at first glance a trifle. But this emphasis on secular matters becomes even more damaging to Trump. It becomes a matter of free speech in the sense that Trump and his associates will be held accountable for the use of funds to silence porn stars and others. silence It’s also about the misuse of campaign money.

The Manhattan District Attorney said Trump’s crimes were a crime. The Trump campaign claimed that the silencing costs were part of campaign spending. There is a question as to whether such a claim would increase the level of criminal penalties. As it also violates US election finance laws, it remains to be seen what form of prosecution will take place. That may have to wait until the end of the year because the face-to-face hearing will take place on December 4.

At the same time, it is possible that Trump May face other charges Other states, such as Georgia, could also prosecute Trump for trying to persuade officials in Georgia to overturn the 2020 election results.

Trump supporters invade the White House Obstructing the resolution of Congress to recognize Joe Biden as President on January 6, 2021 (Source: Wikipedia/Tyler Merbler)

There are also other cases That Trump faces at the national level of the United States, such as the case where Trump was accused of helping the mob invade the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 by destroying things there, accusing him of trying to obstruct the House of Representatives meeting in On January 6th, charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, there is also a story where Trump obstructs justice by lying that he does not possess secret government documents when in fact there are secret government documents in occupy even after the term of the presidency has expired which is considered illegal in the United States

There is a special prosecutor who is investigating Trump’s case, including investigating whether Trump committed fraud through electronic communications and money laundering. This is about Trump attempting to raise funds after the 2020 election was over, purporting to demonstrate that election fraud was false.

Peffer stated that For politicians who lie, deceive and bully others until they come to power. It would be appropriate if Trump would end his political life with a jail sentence for his terrible deeds. It would also become a nemesis because Trump supporters were able to send Trump into office by allegedly slandering Hillary Clinton, the 2016 presidential nominee, as saying: break the law A slogan is used to tell “I imprisoned her” in that year’s campaign parade.

Despite the serious investigation into Trump, Pfeffer said that Trump’s political career will not end easily.

Trump is still the top favorite. To be nominated for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. In the March poll, Trump was ahead of Ron DeSantis.

top competitors His vote as a Republican representative was 8 points, but after Trump was prosecuted in New York. Trump’s lead was 25 points higher than DeSantis.

79% of Republican loyalists see themselves as part of Trump’s “MAGA” movement, short for “Make America Great Again.” Unsurprisingly, many Republicans who oppose Trump have left the party. But that doesn’t mean the Republicans are in trouble. More than 1 million voters switched to the Republican primary during the Nov. It also made the Trump-backed delegation win. A lot of people lose in the midterm elections.

According to the latest YouGov poll on April 10, the past also shows that Trump has a slight lead over Biden. Still, it is too early to determine whether Trump will be afloat in the next election, as investigations currently underway could disqualify Trump from the presidency or even impair him. he was sent to prison

What problem does this story reflect? about US democracy

Pfeffer stated that the United States used to show pride in having a stable democracy with free and fair elections But now it shows that US-style democracy There is a flaw in it. whether access to voting rights is limited Strong Financial Influence or even an electoral institution that is problematic

Of course, the punishment of politicians in each country is Arising from different political contexts, for example, in the imprisonment of the left-wing leader Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva, arising from political tactics. Brazil’s Supreme Court later overturned Lula’s conviction until he could win the 2022 election. In another case, former South Korean leader Park Geun-hye was imprisoned for corruption. Pfeffer sees a more impartial judicial process.

Trump and his supporters also claim that the prosecution against them is a politically motivated attack. which although Trump claims to be like this But Peffer thinks that “political motives” may be true in the sense that they are motives to restore democracy. Democratic institutions are responding to Trump’s sins against democracy. Whether it’s corruption or abuse of political power for their own benefit. or even his involvement in trying to overthrow US democracy In the case of a mob attacking the parliament trying to overthrow the 2020 election results

On the other hand, Trump is not a threat to any political party. The way many Democrats and a handful of Republicans tend to refer only to. But Trump is also a threat to the entire political system. Pfeffer proposed that if the United States still concerned about the image of democracy Should respond to the threat from Trump by making Trump unable to enter politics again and make him responsible for what he has done

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Additional information from

poll results

Catch and Kill, Wikipedia

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