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The Prosecution brought undue pressure against him: lawyer for Yhonier Leal / Meridiano BLU

In dialogue with BLU Radio, Yhonier Leal’s new lawyer, Daniel Peña, dijo that your client accepted the charges brought by the Prosecution as alleged to be responsible for the double homicide her mother, Marleny Hernández, and her brother El

stylist Mauricio Leal and, of having altered the evidence against him, feeling pressured by the Prosecution.

The issue that Yhonier expressed are questions of professional secrecy, but I have just arrived at the case I can determine and evidence, as the original form of the diagnosis, that there was pressure. The pressure may be, in the understanding of how the hearing was carried out, the form of argumentation and many circumstances in which the defendant, being in the bunker at the foot of the entire body of investigation, generated pressure, which seems to me undue and pressured in the circumstances

he said Peña.

Because of that pressure and to show that Yhonier could be imputable, attorney Peña will request a psychiatric examination that it could rule that the defendant suffered from a transient psychological disorder.

“The subject of the psychiatric examination is whether it understands the wrongfulness, whether it was so and whether at the time it suffered or not from a condition that he did not hear the consequences as may be a mental disorder, a psychological immaturity, a series of figures. I trust the specialists. We ask for it and hope the results arrive”.

The examination could lead to convicted of aggravated homicide and concealmentalteration or destruction of material evidenceyour sentence could be paid in a psychiatric ward.

The consequence would be a security measure and not a custodial sentence in prison. If a specialist determines criminal immunity, the consequence would not be imprisonment but a security measure because what would be sought is healing, well-being. The purpose of the penalty is resocialization, but for people who are imputable, say, who know the consequences of the acts, for the non-indictable, a security measure in a psychiatric ward would be appropriatePeña explained.

Finally, he explained that this is not for a retraction in the acceptance of charges, but for the welfare of Yhonier in the execution of the sentence. “It is not a figure of retraction, it is being able to determine whether or not it is imputable. It is not a change of legal strategy for the welfare of the defendant,” he said.

On the subject, the victims ‘ lawyer, Elmer Mountain, said what Yhonier is doing is backing down on the pre-agreement and so you can go to trial for a security measure in a psychiatric ward.

“And, in addition, be able to have the possibility of inheriting that he lost for having wilfully and intentionally murdered his mother and brother. I don’t think any psychiatrist dares to declare Yhonier insane knowing that before murdering Mauricio he forced him to sign a document by which he left him as heir, torturing him for it. It would be the first case of a madman who was lucid enough to act this way. Yhonier what I was was crazy with greed“, Montaña said.

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