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The Pros and Cons of Falling Asleep with the TV On: What Experts Say

While it is widely believed that sleeping in front of screens can disrupt the natural sleep cycle and keep us awake for a long time afterwards, there are people who cannot imagine sleeping without the TV on, which makes them wonder whether this habit is useful or not.

People usually need silence to sleep, but some people fall asleep, for example, while watching a sitcom, in which the sound becomes very low and high at times.

And move the site “Hey ho“It’s not entirely clear why some people are able to fall asleep with the TV on, while others are not,” said Eric Prather, a professor at the Weill Neuroscience Institute in San Francisco, a psychologist who treats insomnia.

However, he says, “Our brains can limit sensory processing allowing us to sleep even if there is background noise, while some people are more sensitive than others, and have stimuli that easily alert them.”

Molly Atwood, assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins University, believes that “the reason most people are comfortable with television is that it provides background noise that allows them to calm their minds or distract them.”

“We have a system in our bodies that is similar to the hunger drive,” she says. “The longer we stay awake, the greater our appetite for sleep.” But if we are in a state of anxiety, a system that resists sleep is activated.

She explains, “TV can allow people to focus on something else, so they can avoid thoughts that might keep them awake. They feel more comfortable and then sleep becomes easier for them,” according to what Yahoo reported.

Nicole Carmona, a professor at Stanford University’s Sleep Health and Insomnia Program, agrees. Some people experience too much stress when it’s time to sleep, she says. “Under these circumstances, television can distract an individual from any troubling thoughts.”

However, Mina Khan, a sleep medicine specialist at Ohio State University, says that if a person is suffering from poor sleep problems, television may be to blame.

TV may delay sleep, especially if the person watching it is engaged in the program being shown,” she says.

While our bodies have a system to filter out sounds while we sleep, they cannot remove all noise. Extreme changes in sound or light, such as an explosion in a television scene, can startle us and wake us up, disrupting our sleep.

Carmona points out that what we watch before going to bed may also affect how well we sleep, meaning that “emotional content” in particular can lead us to feel more alert and engaged, which may prevent us from relaxing enough to sleep.

Although the response will vary from person to person, according to Carmona, she advises avoiding shows, movies, or news programs that “increase feelings of fear, anxiety, stress, or anger near bedtime.”

Atwood points out that it is important to take into account the effect of light on your sleep, as intense blue or white light can prevent the body’s secretion of the hormone melatonin, which plays a role in the sleep process.

And if you’re watching TV on a computer or tablet, that light is closer to your face, which is why Atwood says if you have to watch something before bed, watch it on a TV farther away from you.

It may also be helpful to set a timer on your TV, ensuring that it turns off when you finally fall asleep.

Atwood advises those who have difficulty sleeping and feel that television is the only option available to them, to talk to someone such as a sleep specialist to find ways to manage anxiety or calm the mind, noting that “there are many effective treatments and tools.”

2024-03-03 20:31:00
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