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The Pros and Cons of Facial Epilation: Benefits and Risks of Shaving Facial Hair

Some dermatologists claim that removing facial “fluff” could help you achieve smoother and brighter skin. What are the pluses and minuses of facial epilation?

Facial epilation with a razor blade is quite controversial, especially because for a long time it was believed that this procedure thickens the hair. Today, the specialists teach us exactly the opposite and deny this information according to which if we shave the fur on our face it will grow darker in color and more often.

In fact, shaving blurs the edges of the hair, making it grow straight, which means it looks bushier and rougher. But that doesn’t mean it will grow faster or more often. On the contrary, many dermatologists explain the fact that this procedure also represents a microexfoliation of the skin.

Every woman has facial hair. There are two types, vellus hair and terminal hair.

Vellus hair is the almost invisible “peach fluff” that covers a large part of the face and body. Its role is to regulate the temperature and evaporate sweat.

Vellus hair is very fine and translucent. You can notice, especially in strong sunlight, vellus hair on the cheeks, forehead, upper and lower lips, neck, chin, mandibular area.

The terminal hair is darker in color and thicker. Some women have terminal hair along their upper and lower lips, sideburns, neck and chin.

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Facial epilation with a razor blade – advantages

Facial cleansing removes hair, residue, excess oil and dead skin cells, which can brighten the face. This helps make-up apply smoothly and last longer. Also, if you are insecure about facial hair, you can remove it, literally, in a few minutes.

Facial hair removal with a razor blade – disadvantages

Shaving vellus hairs will not cause ingrown hairs, but shaving terminal hairs can cause these painful bumps.

Epilation with a razor blade also involves the risk of cuts and nicks that can bleed and sting. If you have conditions such as eczema, psoriasis or acne, the razor blade can exacerbate irritation and discomfort. It can also lead to infections.

Sensitive skin or skin that has red spots, irritated for any reason, may also not respond well to facial epilation with a razor blade.

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How to correctly perform facial epilation with a razor blade

If you have decided to use this method to have a velvety complexion, make sure that you have carefully documented yourself. Facial shaving for women is different from shaving for men. Also, don’t shave your face with a blade like you shave your legs or armpit.

Clean the skin first and dry it completely

Use a razor blade with a straight edge, special for this procedure. These products are sometimes referred to as eyebrow shavers or dermaplaning tools.

To avoid irritation, never use a blunt razor.

You can start epilation on clean and completely dry skin or you can use a facial oil or serum to facilitate sliding.

Disinfects the razor well

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Hold the skin stretched with one hand and the razor at an angle of 45 degrees, then pass the blade over the skin with short and light movements, while applying as little pressure as possible. Epilates in the direction of hair growth, never against it.

Rinse the shaver after each epilated portion

Pay attention to sensitive areas such as the eyes or mouth.

Facial shaving also provides mechanical exfoliation, which can help skin look brighter and cleaner. To avoid irritation, make sure your skin is clean, the blade is new, sharp and disinfected. Avoid going over the same part of the skin several times and, at the end, clean your face well with a soft gel and use a tonic lotion or thermal water to calm the skin.

Photo: depositphotos.com

2023-08-13 05:35:36
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