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The Pros and Cons of Drinking Sparkling Water: What You Need to Know


Preferring sparkling water to still water is physiological, but it is good to know some details regarding excessive consumption. Some are downright unexpected

Il Human Body can do without many things but not thewater. On the other hand, it represents 60% of our body and determines the health of our body. Drinking a lot helps maintain a good level of hydration and favors some very important functions such as digestion and maintaining a stable body temperature.

Normally it should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. The lack of this can manifest itself in different ways such as dry skin, dull complexion, wrinkles, fatigue and a sense of hunger. Many people much prefer it sparkling, but is drinking a lot of it the same as drinking a lot of plain water? Let’s find out together.

Sparkling Water: What Happens If You Drink Too Much

It is certainly pleasant and fresh and thecarbon dioxide present in more or less high quantities, it is not harmful to the body. For this reason there are no negative effects if it is taken with a certain regularity. The only downside is that it bloats the belly. Among the points in favor there is also that it helps digestion and increases the sense of satiety.

It is also rich in mineral salts such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Especially in the summer period letting yourself go to this type of water is more pleasant than the natural one. Clearly it must be fresh but not very cold.

The other side of the coin is represented by the negative aspects, which, as it should be, should be highlighted. L’sparkling water in fact it causes a considerable abdominal swelling and sometimes it could cause pain or even bloating and aerophagia. Especially those suffering from gastritis and ulcers should avoid abusing it. In fact, the symptoms could worsen with carbon dioxide.


Also, drink too much sparkling water it can also cause deterioration of the enamel on the teeth. In short, as with all food and drink, it is right to find compromises to avoid leading to excess. drink somesparkling water it has never hurt anyone, but drinking a lot of it can cause him some problems. On the other hand it is a pleasure and as such it must be satisfied, but in the right dose. For this reason, alternating both waters can be the winning choice capable of reconciling the body requirement and give satisfaction at the same time. All that remains is to try it to see what effects it has in the short and long term.

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