Home » today » News » The prop lost his legs in Prague’s Žižkov when a barrel exploded while preparing the film

The prop lost his legs in Prague’s Žižkov when a barrel exploded while preparing the film

The accident took place in Trocnovská Street in Žižkov, close to the Florenc bus station, under the Vítkov memorial. According to the firefighters, the barrel was to be exogenous on the spot.

According to the News, this happened during the preparation for the shooting of a part of a Swiss crime series.

The ambulance and firefighters on Twitter informed about the case.

“We have three injured people in our care, but the number may change. One man is in serious condition, he has suffered loss injuries to his lower limbs, the other two are conscious, they have burns and bruises, “said rescue spokeswoman Jan Poštová.

The film crew was preparing the scene when the barrel exploded

Photo: Pavel Jaňurek, News

Firefighters and police are also on site. “Our chemists are analyzing the substance that was in the barrel. An explosion occurred during handling. The police are finding out the details, “said the fire brigade.

The investigation into the circumstances of the incident is at the beginning, the police have not yet provided details.

According to the News, the explosion occurred when props were preparing items for filming – cutting the lid from a barrel – in which there was probably the rest of the glue. Then she apparently jumped from the spark spark, followed by an explosion.

According to initial information, they may have been homeless among the injured because they live by the bridge piers, where the filmmakers had their vans parked and where the explosion occurred. Apparently, among the injured are the props mentioned.

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