Home » today » Entertainment » The promotion of Colegio La Salle from 66-67 criticizes the play “Songs of Bethlehem”

The promotion of Colegio La Salle from 66-67 criticizes the play “Songs of Bethlehem”

A total of 19 members of the La Salle School promotion from the years 66-67 have sent a letter to this newspaper to criticize the play “Songs of Bethlehem” that was performed every Christmas together with the Official Bethlehem. His writing reads like this:

Dear Mr.

I would like to thank you for your kindness, for making it possible for our opinion, on the theater performance carried out last days in Melilla la Vieja by the Mirrolde group, to have a place in your Newspaper.

We are a group of people from Melilla, of different religions, and since leaving Colegio La Salle, promotion 66-67, we have continued to maintain a faithful friendship and defend values ​​such as coexistence between cultures and respect for religions.

In those days when the Christian faithful celebrated the most important event of their belief, the birth of Jesus, it seems to us that the approach that this work has made is quite unfortunate.

We understand that both the text and the tone used are offensive in the description of a fundamental chapter of the dogma such as the Assumption.

These acts, unfortunately, do not help to facilitate the spirit of coexistence and respect for which we have fought so much and of which we have felt so proud as Melilla residents and for this reason we raise our voice so that actions such as those referred to do not repeat themselves.

This opinion is shared by the following colleagues from La Salle Promotion 66-67:

Miguel Galvez Mizi

José María Hernández Finance

Isaac Benzaquen Pinto

Antonio Alemany Esteban

Antonio Herrera Moreno

Elijah Jacob Serfaty Israel

Francisco Gámez Pérez

José Antonio Trains Palomeros

Miguel Guillermo Martinez

Solomon Corcia Benarroch

Gonzalo Hernandez Mollar

Fernando Miro

Miguel Angel Rodriguez Navarrete

Francisco Javier González García

Antonio Cabo Tuero placeholder image

Jacob Benzaquen Cohen

Francisco Gómez Visiedo

Angel Alarcón Martínez

Rafael Garnica Carcaño

Miguel Angel Guagnino Bazán

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