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The prominent intellectual Natalia Bolívar died

The writer, painter, anthropologist and ethnologist Natalia Bolívar Aróstegui died at 89 years of age.

His contributions to the research of African roots and their influence on national culture and history will remain an essential legacy for present and future generations, highlights the Cubadebate site.

For years, Natalia Bolívar investigated as an anthropologist and ethnologist the traditions and beliefs of African roots in Cuba, leaving an extensive scientific and cultural work reflected in the books Los Orishas in Cuba, Myths and legends of Afro-Cuban food and other works of obligatory consultation.

Numerous messages of condolence mourn the death of Natalia Bolívar, among them that of the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry.

In its account on the social network

The Palomas Project also expressed its condolences on social networks for the death of the writer, painter, anthropologist and ethnologist.

He highlighted his contributions to the research of African roots and their influence on national culture and history and noted that “they will remain an essential legacy for present and future generations.”

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