The Ministry of Equality signed the decree that firmly establishes the creation of the National Youth in Peace Program, an initiative in which young people between 14 and 28 years old can participate with a series of conditions.
Web/LN Editorial
The National Government, headed by the Ministry of Equality, signed the decree that firmly establishes the creation of the National Youth in Peace Program. According to the document, this program and aid is intended to “contribute to the elimination of economic, territorial, political and social inequalities, promote the enjoyment of the right to equality, compliance with the principles of non-discrimination and non-regression, and the construction of peace in the territories.”
Furthermore, the document adds that the program incorporates and adopts “the territorial, human security and social justice, rights, differential, ethnic-racial, peasant, gender and intersectional approach.”
Likewise, it is established that the beneficiaries of this program will be young people between 14 and 28 years old who have an identity document issued by a Colombian authority and who, in accordance with the territorial and individual targeting criteria defined by the National Planning Department –DNP– meet the following conditions:
- Being in extreme poverty, poverty or vulnerability in monetary terms.
- Have habitual residence in rural areas.
- Being, having been or at risk of being a victim of sexual exploitation.
- Being or having a risk of being linked to dynamics of crime, violence or forced recruitment.
- Being vulnerable due to having habitual residence in territories affected by violence or armed conflict.
Likewise, certain conditions are explicit for young people to receive transfers. For this reason, they cannot have “capture or arrest warrants, measures depriving them of liberty, or receiving other types of aid from the National Government such as the Youth in Action program” against them.
They must also meet educational requirements and comply with measures to receive the 12 transfers of up to one million pesos. Otherwise, they will be expelled from the program.