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The profile of the Malaga Local Police on YouTube is the most influential at the national level

With more than two and a half million views, the profile of the Local Police of Malaga on Youtube is the most influential in the national spherea channel where you can not only see police interventions but also the work of the agents over a hundred years ago.

It all started on June 7, 2012 when José Luis Toledo, from the communication department of the Malaga local police, created the channel and started uploading videossomething that grows over the years and with the arrival of his colleagues, Félix Pérez and David Gutiérrez, in 2017 it has been exponential, reaching today about 1,500 videos.

Although more than 85% of reproductions take place in SpainArgentina stands out as the second country, followed by India, Poland, Mexico, France, Hungary, USA, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Colombia, Germany, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Netherlands, Chile, Italy and Belgium.

José Luis Toledo has assured that they only want to see the work of the Local Police because “the words are carried away by the wind”, a police note is fine, “but today we all carry a computer in our pocket and the audiovisual gains a lot of weight”.

He pointed out that they have collaboration of all colleagueswho send their work to them, and they “are the ones who really feed the channel”.

The videos in which the social commitment and equalitythose related to the investigation of traffic accidents and the recovery of animals are some of those that have had great importance, although Christmas greetings are also eagerly awaited every year.

The videos uploaded to the network are concentrated in four large blocks, about appearances or treatment of police interventions in interviews, reports and television programs; news broadcast in local, regional, national and international news; vintage videos with old images; and own content videos.

But the work of these three local police officers goes much further because have inherited a video library collection of some three hundred tapes where the work of agents is collected years ago, especially in the 80s.

For these police officers who have been immersed in this work and are totally self-taught, there are no challenges and when they receive tapes in different formats, such as the classic VHS; beta or U-matic tapes, they look for old players and if they are in poor condition they fix them to be able to keep the images.

Piden ahelp peers and citizens when they need a player that it is no longer manufactured and if they lack any part they even manufacture it on their own 3D printer, police officer Félix Pérez proudly acknowledges, also in charge of analyzing and summarizing the content before uploading it to the channel.

David Gutiérrez, another member of the audiovisual department, explains that are trying “so that the material we have from over a hundred years ago is not lostit is an important task because these documents have a great value, they are historical documents and we have no doubt that they must be preserved”.

A century later, the presence of a camera has gained strength and leaves no one indifferentthe historical value of all the material is unquestionable and thanks to the work of these three local police officers, many citizens have been able to reunite with a deceased relative in images that will no longer be lost.

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