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The Professional License Test: Everything You Need to Know

The professional license test is considered one of the most important tests that all employees and graduates who wish to join the teaching profession must take, because through it you will be able to obtain a professional license and practice the teaching profession legally in the Kingdom. In order to be able to obtain a professional license, you must take a test. license and pass it successfully, while adhering to all instructions and guidelines set forth by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission.

Failure rate in the professional license test

The professional license test was developed by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission with the aim of measuring the experience and competence of everyone who wishes to join the teaching profession in the Kingdom, and obtain the professional license that allows him to practice the teaching profession legally in the Kingdom, and in the recent period many questions have spread about this test. On various social media sites, one of the most frequently asked questions is… “What is the failure rate in the professional license test?”

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The Education and Training Evaluation Commission issued an official statement to answer this question, and the answer was that the failure rate in the licensing test for both male and female teachers is less than 50% of the total score in the educational test, and less than 50% in the specialized test.

Success rate in the professional license test

The Education and Training Evaluation Commission issued an official statement containing the grade that must be achieved to pass the professional license test in order to be able to obtain a professional license and practice the teaching profession legally in Saudi Arabia. It explained in this statement that the success rate varies according to the teacher’s grade, and we will explain this to you more than Through the following table:

The degree of success to be achieved

Teacher grade

Ranging from 50 to 69 degrees minimum.

Practicing teacher

Ranging from 70 to 79.

Advanced teacher

Starting from 80 and above.

Expert teacher

Steps to register for the professional license test

If you would like to register for the professional license test to obtain a license and practice the teaching profession legally in the Kingdom, you must go to the official website of the National Center for Metrology and follow the following steps:

  • Enter the official website of the National Center for Measurement from Here.

  • Enter all the required data and click “Sign in”.

  • Click on “Professional License” from the main menu of the site.

  • Enter all required data in the designated spaces, taking into account the accuracy of this data.

  • Read the terms and conditions of the National Metrology Center and agree to them.

  • Click on the word “Send”.

  • After that, the registration request will be submitted to the employees of the National Center for Measurement, and the accuracy of the required data will be verified and a response will be given immediately upon completion, whether it is acceptance or rejection.

    Registration controls for the professional license test

    The Education and Training Evaluation Commission clarified some conditions that all employees and graduates wishing to register for the professional license test must adhere to, and we will mention these conditions to you in detail through the following points:

    • Both applicants and applicants must be fluent in Arabic and English, by proving the level of proficiency in the language on the test.

    • The applicant must have a certified and officially recognized university degree in education.

    • The applicant must have at least two years of experience in the field of teaching.

    • All applicants must adhere to the laws and regulations stipulated by the Saudi Ministry of Education.

    What are the registration fees for the professional license test?

    The Education and Training Evaluation Commission officially announced the fees for registering for the professional license test. The fees are 100 Saudi riyals. If you wish to issue or upgrade the license, an additional 100 riyals must be paid.

    Steps to pay the professional license test fees

    In order to be able to take the professional license test, you must go to the official website of the National Center for Standardization and pay the necessary fees. Therefore, we will mention to you the steps for paying the professional license test fees:

    • Enter the official website of the National Center for Measurement from Here.
    • Enter all the required data and click “Sign in”.
    • Click on “Recorded Tests”.
    • Click on the word “Shoot” at the bottom of the test.
    • Choose the payment method as desired.
    • Pay the test fees and click on the word “Continue”.

    The invoice number will appear directly in front of you, and a message will be sent to your phone number containing the invoice for payment of the professional license test fees.

    Documents required to register for the professional license test

    Every applicant to take the professional license test must bring some of the papers and documents required and announced by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission. We will explain these papers to you through the following points:

    • Original family record.

    • The original national ID, with verification of its validity.

    • Original passport.

    • Original driving license.

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    2024-01-17 23:02:01
    #failure #rate #professional #license #test #Education #Training #Evaluation #Commission #answers

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