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the problems of children and young people double

The Ministry of Education has studied the mental health of minors in the last two years in detail, finding some alarming problems. All the details.

Child with toys (Photo Pexels)

A study conducted by the Agia, the ISS and the Ministry of Education revealed some alarming trends in neurodevelopment and mental health of minors in the last few years. According to the researchers, the most common pathologies are: suicidal tendencies, self-harm and eating disorders. All the details.

Mental health of minors: emergency for children and adolescents

According to the Authority for Childhood and Adolescence, Carla Garlattithe problems affecting the neurosviluppo and the mental health of minors they are spreading on a large scale. In fact, in recent years, due to the pandemic, many teens and children have developed mental disorders which could become chronic.

Children and mental health
Children playing (Photo Pexels)

This is a question analyzed in detail by Agia and published in the study Pandemic, neurodevelopment and mental health of children and young people. According to the researchers, the three diseases that risk becoming chronic among young people and children are:

  • behavioral disturbances;
  • depression, self-harm and suicidal tendencies;
  • food disorders.

About 90 professionals including pedagogues, teachers, child neuropsychiatrists, pediatricians and social workers have expressed themselves on an issue that often tends to be underestimated. Let’s see the details.

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The most common ailments among young people and children

As specified by an official press release from the AGIA: “The pandemic resulted in what the professionals interviewed by the research team called a real mental health emergency.” And this emergency has led inexorably to an increase in requests for help which, however, has not found adequate answers.

The lack of facilities adequate and organization has contributed to creating a climate of greater confusion and uncertainty in the face of such a delicate issue as that of the mental health of minors. Researchers who participated in the recent study listed the most common mental disorders affecting young teens and children. Between these:

  • behavioral disturbances;
  • food disorders;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • alteration of the sleep-wake rhythm;
  • learning and concentration difficulties;
  • self-harm;
  • isolation;
  • disturbances in emotional cognitive regulation;
  • frustration, uncertainty, confusion.

The development of these disorders has resulted inearly school leaving and the increasingly frequent use of psychoactive substances, cannabinoids and alcohol. Just as the fear of contagion so much praised on the news has increased among the little ones.

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The lack of adequate accommodation facilities then led to one greater demand from private individuals which has done nothing but increase the inequality between wealthy citizens and families in difficulty. So how can we overcome this problem?

The researchers stressed the need for a prevention and treatment program at a local and regional level that is able to support citizens in need. Furthermore, the structures must equip themselves, have the necessary beds for minors seeking help. As well as the school psychology service it must be encouraged and strengthened, in order to encourage dialogue in a safe and secure environment for the little ones.

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