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The Problem of Stateless Children: Discussions and Solutions in Ang Thong Province

related agencies Join to discuss solutions to the problem of 126 stateless children being transported to study in a school. in Ang Thong Province

human rights activist with related agencies Discuss solutions to the problems of all 126 Myanmar children who come to study at a school in Ang Thong Province. and was checked for abnormalities. Therefore, all the children were sent back to Chiang Rai. to wait for parents to pick up and some will be repatriated to Myanmar

In which most of the discussions did not agree with the repatriation of children. Because in the past, there has not been a real nationality verification. Therefore, I would like the inspection staff to screen all the children first whether they are really Myanmar people or not.

Found it! Clue 5 The missing person is still alive. not kidnapped

Stateless children are the first to apply for ID cards as “Thais”.

For all 126 children, they are now temporarily taken care of in 5 shelters in Chiang Rai province. Before coming to a conclusion on how to proceed with this case

The discovery of these 126 children began last month. Angthong Educational Service Area Office meets migrant students There were 137 students at Ang Thong School, of which only 7 were Thai students and the rest were migrant children who could not speak Thai at all. which from the examination found 4 people who are Cambodians There are parents working in the area, and the other 126 are Burmese, with information that their parents are still on the neighboring side, causing this group of children to be sent back to 5 shelters in Chiang Rai. because the child was improperly imported

More importantly, the school where the child was found It was originally a small school. but inform the school district office to increase the number of students make adjustments to a medium school But the number of students is increasing rapidly and in large numbers. therefore came to inspect Whether or not children are being brought in to study correctly or not, or is there a movement demanding benefits to bring in children who are not of Thai nationality?

Because of the increase in the number of students under the OBEC, the school also receives more subsidized budget for per capita students. This is another issue that has been asked a lot of questions. But still there is no clear answer about the purpose of bringing children to study here, what needs to be done about the per capita subsidy of educational institutions or not. or not giving Was the school dissolved?

while the headman who is one of the school committees, said that the school used to coordinate to accept foreign children to study here. for fear that the school would be dissolved Since there were very few children left, the director proposed that they pick up more children from Chiang Rai, so they picked up 35 children for the first time. At that time, they sent a list of students asking for registration number G with the OBEC. There was no problem. What, but the latest round, the director said he would pick up hundreds of more people also inquired with Whether there will be any problems or not, but the director insists that it can be done.

The headman also said that In addition to picking up the children as requested by the director, the village headman also signed a document certifying these children. Because I hope that the child does not have parents to come. If you want to coordinate anything, you can coordinate with the village headman for convenience. The issue of expectation of benefits receive bounties Subsidy for that student Adults say they don’t know.

2023-07-07 14:28:00
#Rushing #find #stateless #children #hiding #Ang #Thong #School

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