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The problem of computer not starting and black screen appearance and how to fix it

The problem of the computer that does not turn on and the black screen appears In this article we will explain to you in detail and clarity the problem of the computer that does not start and the black screen appears, its causes and how to solve it , why this problem it is one of the biggest problems faced by beginners to use computer, so you can learn more. Invitation. Increase the site.

You can learn how to restore your computer screen to normal, read here: How to restore your computer screen to normal easily

The problem of not starting the computer and the appearance of a black screen

The problem of computer not booting and black screen appearing are among the common problems that occur on the computer. When the user turns on the computer, he realizes that the device stops working before the Windows indicator.

  • Most of the time we find that the Windows device fails to boot then a completely black screen appears and the user does not log into the operating systems on the device.
  • It is also possible that the computer crashes when the user enters the Windows bookmark, so we see that there are many different types of this problem that the user encounters.
  • This is why we see that there are many instances where the computer fails to boot and black screen appears, so this problem is considered easy to fix by maintenance experts.
  • The problem of computer not starting and black screen appearing is one of the minor problems that occur on the device because the reasons are simple and in the following points we will explain the cause of each problem.

Reasons why computer won’t start problem

There are many reasons why your computer won’t start up and black screen appears, but at this point we will explain the reasons why your computer won’t start up problem:

  • Among these reasons, we see that there are many viruses on the computer that prevent the computer from booting, so the device faces the problem of not booting due to these viruses.
  • The weakness of the data storage systems in the computer is one of the most important causes of the no boot problem, as this weakness occurs due to some technical malfunctions of the device.
  • This problem occurs on your device when your device has a weakness in the data storage systems and this problem causes all the data not to be saved in the storage systems hence the device does not turn on.
  • The most common cause of a computer malfunction is when the user inserts the hardware device incorrectly and thus the device cannot boot.
  • Another common reason many users fall into is when the user connects the cable of the device incorrectly so the user has to remember to connect the cable to the device to turn it on.
  • Thus, we have seen that there are simple reasons that occur on the device which leads to its not working, so the user needs to be careful and maintain the device from time to time to protect their device from this problem.

You can know the causes of black screen problem and its solutions on laptop, click here: The laptop screen is black and the device is working.. Here are the causes and solutions to this problem.

Causes of black screen problem

  • One of the most common hardware problems is the black screen issue that appears on the computer when the user turns on the device using the action button.
  • After that, a black screen appears to the user despite the fact that the device is working, and therefore the user does not know the cause of this problem? Why are all the components of the device working fine, so the user is puzzled that he doesn’t know why?
  • The most important of these reasons is that there is a weakness in the power supply known as device power and if there is a malfunction, it would be more correct to replace the black screen problem to prevent it from happening again.
  • Among the reasons for this problem is that there are some software errors related to card recognition on the device, and if your device has these errors, you will see a black screen while working.
  • Thus, we see that the problem of computer not booting and black screen appearing is due to minor technical malfunctions, so the user must know the ways to solve the problem of computer not booting and black screen appearing .

1- BIOS problems

  • The BIOS provides the user with all the reasons why the computer won’t boot, if the BIOS detects a problem with the device, it will notify you and identify the problem to fix it.
  • For a user who is having trouble starting up the computer, the BIOS determines that there is a hardware cooling fan failure that is preventing the computer from starting up.
  • So BIOS puts the causes of the problem for you on the computer screen and then guides you to fix this problem because of BIOS, so BIOS is the most important way to fix boot problem.

2- Size issues

  • We have already mentioned the most important cause of the no boot issue i.e. the weakness of the storage systems of the device, when the device boots up with these systems organizing the data on the device.
  • In order for the user to solve the problem of the computer not starting, he needs to go through some steps that regulate the storage process, i.e. shut down all storage systems that are externally connected to the device.
  • Next, the user takes the discs inside the device, then turns on the device and presses the BIOS menu to help fix the problem that the computer won’t boot.
  • Next, it hits the start icon, which is the last step, then confirms it’s saved the steps it took to fix the no-boot issue, then restarts the computer.

You can learn how to shrink a laptop with this article: How to shrink a laptop for all types of Windows

3- Technical errors

  • The only thing we have mentioned above is one of the ways to fix the computer won’t start problem, if you followed these methods and turned on the device and still didn’t fix this problem then you need to fix your computer.
  • There are many ways to protect your computer from technical errors that can cause no boot problems; This is to remove dust from the user’s computer.
  • Verify that the RAM is connected properly, that the fan is working, and that the computer’s data storage systems are working properly.
  • Thus, this is the best way to fix the problem of computer won’t boot and black screen appears, so the user must know all these methods to fix the problem properly.

Fix the black screen problem

  • Once you know all the methods to fix the computer won’t boot problem, there are also some methods that fix the black screen problem, so these methods are not much different from the methods to fix the boot problem.
  • One solution is for the user to look at the monitor cables and turn the device’s cooling fan back on if it is not connected to the device.
  • You can look at the power supply, it may be faulty, then the screen looks like this, so the user should consider these methods to solve the problem.

Fix the problem of not logging into Windows

Windows has some of the most important features and the most important one is that it has to identify and fix the problems that prevent the device from booting so that it can fix them directly and then the user can use this feature to fix the not booting problem.

You can learn about Windows features and versions, read here: Windows features and versions and Windows tasks

In this article, we have explained the problem of computer not booting and black screen appears more clearly, figured out the causes of this problem, and figured out ways to fix it.

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