Home » Business » The Pro-Education Board Builds a Psychological Care Center – Caps – to Expand Services for Children, Young People, and Parents

The Pro-Education Board Builds a Psychological Care Center – Caps – to Expand Services for Children, Young People, and Parents


As of the last week of September, the Caps will be inaugurated in the Centennial Caterpillar to serve more children, young people and parents, reported the president of the board of directors of the Ahome Pro-Education Board, Jorge López Valencia

The Pro-Education Board of the Municipality of Ahome builds the Psychological Care Center -Caps-. | Direct line

Los Mochis, Sin.- Due to the great increase in requests for Psychological attention post pandemic Covid-19he Pro-Education Board of the Municipality of Ahome build the Psychological Care Center -Caps- which is a new area in which they will have greater capacity to offer more psychological consultations to children, young people and parents, reported the president of the Board of Directors, Jorge López Valencia.

He Caps is a building located in The Centennial Caterpillar which is located in the Los Cedros subdivision, and which has adequate offices and professional staff trained to provide more and better care in counseling and psychological care programs as of the last week of September when it will be inaugurated.

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“We have the area of ​​psychology that is increasingly important because it allows us to attend to children, young people and parents in the emotional aspect because the pandemic left us with a serious problem.”

The president of the board of directors of the Pro-Education Board of the Municipality of Ahome cited that the demand for psychological care detonated after the pandemic because since children and young people could not attend schools for a long time, a serious problem was created in homes where both parents work, a situation that caused a large dropout rate and a great academic delay of students who are two years behind in their learning.

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The Psychological Care Center -Caps- is currently in the stage of equipping itself with furniture and decoration, thanks to the Oxxo round-up campaign in which the Board of Trustees has just participated last two months.

Mireya Trejo


Graduated with a degree in Communication Sciences from the Universidad de Occidente, Campus Los Mochis. In 2004 I joined Línea Directa Los Mochis, a newscast in which I have worked as a reporter for business, health, education and agricultural sources.

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2023-08-22 00:42:28
#ProEducation #Board #builds #Psychological #Care #Center #Los #Mochis

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