Children from six nursery and primary schools in La Trinité-sur-Mer, Plouharnel and Carnac took part in the Prix des Incorruptibles for this school year disturbed by the virus. It is about voting for a book, chosen among five books selected by professionals, read by children. National animation.
“This year, we have chosen to come to schools to carry out the votes,” explains Béatrice Kerbrat-Normand, head of the Education, Youth and Sport division. An approach prepared with the ballot box, the ballot papers and the voter card, as was done in town hall in other years. “It’s also an opportunity to introduce young citizens to voting, but there was no voting booth this year! », Specifies Loïc Houdoy, deputy mayor.
The first ballots were put in the ballot box this morning, in Valérie Le Quérré’s bilingual class, at Saint-Michel school.