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The privacy of the statement: an anti-K defense that stripped inmates and forced Mauricio Macri to “erase”

Did not match not even in the title. In the first version of statement that would be released Together for Change To denounce what they consider a new abuse of Kirchnerism, the members of this space presented themselves “united in defense of transparency, liberties and the Republic”. In the edition that ended up lighting this Sunday afternoon, the union was in “defense of truth and transparency”. It is only a detail (or something more than that) to understand the inmate in the main armed opposition, in a politically sensitive moment: all agree on the need to set a limit to advance especially from Cristina Kirchner, but there are strong differences on the how and when. How far should we rekindle the crack? The former president also appeared and was crossed out.

The original version of the statement, which appeared on Saturday afternoon in the chat with representatives of the different forces that make up JxC, circulated it Patricia Bullrich, head of the PRO and representative of the hardest wing of the coalition. There, among other things, it could be read that “Darío is innocent. He never received or had access to any intelligence report. “They were referring to Darío Nieto, the former presidential secretary raided days ago in the case for alleged espionage during the government of Cambiemos. In the final version, on the other hand, the leaders claim to trust in Nieto’s “moral integrity” and that “Justice will show that he is innocent.” Subtleties of how far to put your hands to the fire.

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But the subject that causes the most differences within JxC, of ​​course, is not Nieto but Macri. As confirmed Clarion, the holder of the UCR, Alfredo Cornejo, refused to sign the statement as Bullrich sent it because he considered it an almost personal defense of the former president. Instead, he called for the coalition to be brought to the fore. He got it: the last name Macri, which was read three times, was deleted. Cristina, mentioned once, also flew as her own name.

This opposition internal derived in a little delay: The idea was to release the statement at noon on Sunday and it ended up transpiring shortly before 6:00 PM. There was even a call from Bullrich to Cornejo for the final closing.

The names that appear within the signers also they warrant a fine reading. Figure the most of the main references, since Macri, Elisa Carrió (he gave the OK to the statement without resistance as Cornejo) and Pichetto, which do not have charges, to the holders of the matches of JxC as Bullrich (PRO), Cornejo (UCR) and Maximiliano Ferraro (Civic Coalition). Also, officials like Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Diego Santilli, of the City, former officials such as Marcos Peña, Fernando de Andreis and Oscar Aguad, more parliamentary authorities like Mario Negri y Humberto Schiavoni, among others.

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Cristian Ritondo, head of the PRO bloc in Deputies was quick to clarify that he was unable to sign because he was a member of the bicameral intelligence commission that must intervene on the issue of alleged espionage. An absence that was later corrected was that of Maria Eugenia Vidal. In their environment they assured that they had not warned her. They also did not contact Emilio Monzó, but unlike Vidal he did not worry later about signing. The former head of Deputies is among those suspected of being spied on by Macrismo and is looking for a more moderate armed group, with Rogelio Frigerio, another ex who did not sign.

Nor are the three radical governors listed: the jujeño Gerardo Morales (higher profile), Corrientes Gustavo Valdes and the mendocino Rodolfo Suarez. They were not pressured too much: as part of their survival depends on the funds sent by the Casa Rosada, it was understood that they take distance. A luxury that Larreta could not afford: his absence would have exposed the differences he has with Macri. Even more.

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