Home » today » News » The prime minister reveals tomorrow clearly defines the “color zone” according to the strength of the COVID-19 epidemic area.

The prime minister reveals tomorrow clearly defines the “color zone” according to the strength of the COVID-19 epidemic area.

“Big Tu” revealed the meeting of FEC tomorrow clearly defines the red, orange and green zones according to the severity of the area – the province. Prepare to dismantle the foreign labor registration system Won the media to present facts Thailand is not a serious epidemic, warning social gangsters reveal false information is destroying the country.

December 23 at the Government House Gen. Prayut Chan-o-cha, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Interviewed after the meeting to determine the budget expenditure for the fiscal year 2022 that today is a committee meeting in accordance with legal procedures. On the budgeting of expenditure for the year 2022 by bringing all issues together And on December 22, it was brought into the Cabinet (Cabinet) and was approved by this meeting. In order to move on with the budgeting process in 2022, it is expected that the situation will improve in 2021-2022 if the vaccine issue ends. About trade and investment If we can add up here The government’s income will increase. I have to admit that Considerably reduced Especially the tourism sector Which we have spent part of our budget to take care of low income people A large number of farmers So you need to review them all. Both investment expenditures Because today public investment alone is not enough. There must be a joint public-private investment (PPP) in some activities, which he assigns the Board of Investment (BOI) to find ways to do so. To encourage investment in the country or investment abroad. Will help the baht as well However, Thailand’s financial potential is the strongest at the moment. Making a lot of money in the system Therefore, foreign investment must be supported. Because today in other countries there are still problems as well as in and out. As a result of the COVID-19 situation Resulting to all problems Which in the matter of budget, the relevant persons will elaborate further

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“Everyone, don’t panic. Everyone remains committed to the cooperation between the public, the private and the people, and if only demanded, the state could not do much. If not cooperating, it is difficult. And the situation of COVID-19 As reported now, the daily new infection statistics began to decline. Since we have monitored and controlled more areas What are the obstacles? I have sorted through all departments and how to proceed. What the face is concerned about is If we analyze and look at the primary cause of foreign workers The legal person has been in Thailand for a long time without any problems. Unless those who stealth, we have to eliminate the stealth process as much as possible. Now, worries, unregistered workers are evading. Are employed by selfish people Is an employment without having to pay wages as scheduled Get these workers in by having a process to bring them in Today I am dismantling them all. And follow these movements, “Gen Prayut said.

The Prime Minister said that there is only one concern right now. In some factories or factories where labor is not legally used. Taken to release other areas or fired from work He has instructed the Center for the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (SABC) to find measures here, what to do? Which he gave a guideline for the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Rae, agencies and related agencies to consider when we used to register workers That has a temporary registration method The pink card is working here. If we act too intensely, labor will be released elsewhere. It is important that cooperation between each other be achieved.

“Tomorrow the meeting The CRC will reach a resolution on what to do in terms of measures during this period and also during the New Year, I would like to warn (Warning) that today we are determining the whole area what should be done And where is the area more widespread and less common Very risky, less risk All provinces will be assigned a different color, green, orange, red, what these colors, and will have specific measures that can be done. Must be prepared like this I would like to notify everyone. We may have difficulty May have to be sacrificed Because if we can’t fix this problem lately, it’s a problem. The most important thing, presenting news to the news must also listen to information from the CDC. Do not spread information from others that are not accurate. Unproven It will cause panic And create awareness to foreign countries Today is the epidemic that we know the origin. There are specific measures and public health measures. Complete Still can handle it all Otherwise, it will become that Thailand has returned to a serious epidemic. It gives us a lack of confidence. And will receive less confidence in the Thai public health system I think we do more than anywhere else. Than many other countries together Today, we ask for cooperation among the media. What is said is not facts, sometimes it spreads, causing problems. I listen to every part But also distinguish whether which is true or false Please ask those who like to do social information. That brings out false information It has spread and there is no benefit in our country. Are you Thai? If they are Thai people, they must help solve problems, not hide them, but sometimes they do not have knowledge. I don’t blame this one. I only beg May everyone look at the benefit of the nation. And how do we stay together? If you want to live better, help each other. There are many good things. Do not magnify the conflict too much. In a moment, let’s go over that and over and over again, ”said Gen Prayut.

The Prime Minister continued, asking for cooperation for all of us. While we are facing the COVID-19 outbreak right now, it is not as serious as other countries. How many countries have come up? And how many of us have come up Our truth should not be raised if everyone cooperates. Everyone should be ready to notify the relevant authorities so that they can destroy the illegal process of smuggling foreign workers into the country. Everyone knows which way and which way out. Why do local people not know? But the officer is on point Reconnaissance area The people who know the most are local, so get information from them. You can send it directly to the Prime Minister’s office so you don’t have to be afraid if everyone is afraid that the business is not. It will be like this in every matter It is not COVID-19 alone when it comes to breaking the law. The corruption of these officers is also deposited.

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