Home » today » Business » The price of this type of gasoline increases by Rp. 2,450 at the end of September at gas stations, this is Pertamina’s explanation

The price of this type of gasoline increases by Rp. 2,450 at the end of September at gas stations, this is Pertamina’s explanation

The price of this type of gasoline increases by Rp. 2,450 at the end of September in gas stationThis is Pertamina’s explanation

BANGKAPOS.COM – Pertamina raised one of the prices of gasoline in Indonesia gas station at the end of this month.

The price of this gasoline rose Rp 2,450 at the end of September in gas station, Pertamina gave the real reason.

Pertamina raises the price of gasoline without a strong reason, especially during a pandemic like now.

As happened 3 days ago (18/9/21) Pertamina increased the price of one of their gasoline products.

Pertamina has increased the price of gasoline, namely Pertamax Turbo, from Rp 9,850 per liter to Rp 12,300 per liter.

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The difference if we calculate is quite a lot, which is IDR 12,300 – 9,850 = IDR 2,450.

In addition, the price of Pertamina Dex also increased from Rp 10,200 per liter to Rp 11,150 per liter.

From the official statement on its official website, Pertamina gave the reason for the increase in the price of Pertamax Turbo gasoline in accordance with government regulations.

The price of Pertamax Turbo and Pertamax Dex increased according to the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 62 K/12/MEM/2020 concerning Basic Price Formula in Calculation of Retail Sales Prices for General Fuel Oil Types of Gasoline and Diesel Oil Channeled Through Public Fuel Filling Stations.

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