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The price of this fuel has skyrocketed

The increase in the price of fuel has been going on practically uninterrupted for months now. The situation is becoming unsustainable not only for consumers but also for service providers. Precisely for this reason the possibility of a strike that could last a few days is opening up.

Refueling your car is certainly essential, but for many this operation is proving to be a real drain. Despite repeated appeals by associations operating in consumer protection, the cost has not shown any signs of decreasing for months now, on the contrary, the increases are continuing in a constant and uncontrolled way. The current situation in Ukraine is also having repercussions on this area, with all due respect for motorists.

Fuel dispenser (web source)

However, it is not only consumers who pay the price, but also the professionals. Those who think that the rise in the cost of fuel means greater revenues for them, however, must change their mind. For this the possibility of abstention from service opens up for methane distributors, among those who are suffering most in this period.

Strike of methane distributors: insiders threaten the lockout

CNG distributors are in an unprecedented situation e they have thus repeatedly shouted to the government for help with the hope of receiving concrete support. Representing them are the trade associations Assogasmetano, Assopetroli-Assoenergia and Federmetano

Their demands are clear: interventions are needed that can lead to a decrease in the sale prices of methane to the public for automotive. The possibility of reaching a strike quickly is more than concreteto. “In the event that in the next useful provision the requests presented are again ignored, the sector will go on strike on 4, 5 and 6 May 2022 ″ they wrote in their petition.

CNG distributor
CNG distributor (web source)

The note that was released also presents a series of concrete proposals. First of all, the focus is on “a reduction in VAT from 22% to 5%already granted for civil and industrial uses, to which is added the extension of tax credit for road hauliers also to the CNG “. Reaching a solution is very urgent, also to avoid that many families will be at the expense of even more than what is happening now.

In fact, the methane supply chain includes 20,000 employees, over 1,500 points of sale, 1,100,000 low-middle-income families, road hauliers and local public transport companies who have chosen methane for their mobility, as well as 30% of biomethane already distributed on the network for automotive use. And the interventions that led to the recent reduction in the cost of gasoline have only aggravated the problem further.

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