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The price of gas continues to fall: less worries about possible shortages

Fairly mild weather conditions are expected in the UK and mainland Europe in the coming weeks so that warming does not have to be high.

Well stocked gas supplies

The price for one megawatt hour of gas on the Amsterdam gas exchange lay Tuesday morning more than 3 percent less, at around 164 euros. The price fell 10 percent on Monday. The price of gas is therefore about half lower than the peaks at the end of August, favored by increasingly abundant gas stocks in Europe.

For example, Dutch gas stocks are filled to 92%, well above the EU’s 80% target. Partly because of this, we don’t have to worry about running out of gas this winter, even if it’s very cold.

More and more measures are also being taken in Europe to save gas in order to compensate for the loss of supplies from Russia. Furthermore, Norway is increasing gas supplies to Western Europe.

Much of our gas also comes from that country. In addition, the supply and conversion capacity of liquefied gas (LNG) in the Netherlands has been significantly expanded. This is due to the construction of the new LNG terminal in Eemshaven in Groningen.

In the video below, reporter Gert-Jan Verstegen explains the difference between LNG and Russian gas:

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