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The presidential majority confirms its first three nominations in Eure-et-Loir: here are the candidates

It’s official. The presidential majority has just confirmed, this Saturday, May 7, its investiture for the legislative elections to the three outgoing deputies from Eure-et-Loir who sit in its ranks. All three have already announced their candidacy and are campaigning.

Guillaume Kasbarian (LREM), 35, in the first constituency (Chartres); Luc Lamirault (Agir Ensemble group), 60 years old, in the third constituency (Nogent-le-Rotrou/Lucé), and Philippe Vigier (MoDem group and related democrats), 64 years old, in the fourth constituency (Châteaudun), will wear the colors of “Together!”, the confederation which notably brings together Renaissance (the new name of LREM), Horizons (the party of Edouard Philippe) and the MoDem.

[5 mai 2022] Presidential majority: three out of four candidates declared but not yet formalized in Eure-et-Loir

The name of the candidate invested in the second constituency (Dreux) is not yet known. “It will come in the next waves, by May 9,” says Fabien Standaert, referent La République en Marche 28, in a press release. According to information from The Republican Echo, Maxime David (LREM), opposition municipal councilor in Dreux, would be approached.

[5 mai 2022] Legislative: the majority launches the confederation “Together!” and gives the first names: Blanquer, Valls, Attal, Woerth…

The 263 nominations unveiled this Saturday are in addition to the wave of 187 candidates announced by the presidential majority, Thursday, May 5. A first list in which the Eure-et-Loir did not appear.

“The nominations for the department should fall in the weekend”, specified Guillaume Kasbarian, on the sidelines of his declaration of candidacy for his succession.

Sebastien Besse

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