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The President presented letters of commendation to five cultural and social operators / Diena

Presenting the letters of commendation, Levits stressed that the letter of commendation is awarded at the discretion of the President, taking into account the merits of the awarded person for the benefit of the country. You stressed that the merits of personalities are evident and recorded in the history of Latvia.

Šliakots received the letter of commendation in appreciation of his principled stance in favor of the rule of law and fair rules, thus strengthening Latvia and promoting public trust in the country.

He was born on November 30, 1947 in Kaunata parish of Rēzekne district. At first he studied at Kaunata Secondary School, but in 1965 he graduated from Vilakas Secondary School. After high school, Šļakota began his education at the Forestry Faculty of the Latvian Academy of Agriculture, followed by a job in Viļaks forest industry as a foreman.

After being conscripted for compulsory military service in the Kaliningrad region, Šliakota returned to Latvia and in 1973 started working as a forester in the Liepna Forestry of the Viļakas forest company. A year later, he was promoted to the position of deputy director of Vilakas forest industry, a year later – to director, and in 1985 he started working as director of Balvu inter-farm forestry combine.

After the formation of the Latvian Popular Front, Šliakota was elected co-president at the founding conference of the Balvu district branch. Subsequently, he created and managed the district newspaper of the Latvian Popular Front department Resurgence of awards. In 1990 he was elected to the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia, worked on the Agricultural Commission and at the same time served as Minister of Forestry in the government of Ivars Godmanis.

Šliakota also served as Minister of State Forestry in the governments of Valdas Birkavas and Māras Gailis. On January 1, 1995, Sljakota submitted his resignation, however, he was soon invited to Unibank Director of the Ridzene branch. From September 1997 to December 2009 he was Vice Chairman of Unibanka. Sljakota was awarded the Order of Three Stars and a commemorative sign of a participant in the 1991 barricades.

Beiris received the Honorable Mention for her long-term creative work in creating and implementing the Baltic Ballet Festival tradition, her enduring achievements in Latvian ballet and culture.

Artistic director of the International Baltic Ballet Festival and theater artist Beiris, born on December 14, 1952, is considered one of the most elegant soloists of the Latvian National Opera (LNO) of the 1970s and 1980s. Roles like Raimonda, Odette-Odīlija, Pahita, Dying Swan in his performance belongs to the best treatment of characters in Latvian ballet of last century.

Beiris graduated from Riga Choreography High School, studied with teachers Valerija Kutenas, Inna Baranovska, Vera Švetsova. A graduate of the Ballet Masters Faculty of the Anatoly Lunacharsky State Institute of Theater Arts in Moscow, she broadened her knowledge in Moscow, Leningrad, Germany, Royal Swedish Ballet, Finnish National Ballet, Munich, Mainz and Opera Ballet Companies of Berlin. Beiris holds a master’s degree in education from the University of Latvia.

From 1970 to 1996, Beiris was a soloist, choreographer and ballet master of the LNO ballet, while from 1992 to 1993 – artistic director of the LNO ballet company, from 1996 to 2005 – of the public foundation Lita Beires Dance Art Foundation director, from 2005 to 2015 – foundation Dancing rainbow Council member. Beiris is the president of the Latvian Professional Ballet Association, a member of the International Federation of Ballet Competitions. Beiris has worked as a visiting teacher in Denmark, Germany, China, Lithuania and elsewhere.

Korsaks received an honorable mention for collecting and documenting historical values ​​important to the Latvian people, which will make a lasting contribution to the cultural history of Latgale and Selia, as well as the whole of Latvia.

He was born on December 15, 1937. Korsaks is one of the founders of the Latvian Museum of Photography and the author of the permanent exhibition.

Korsaks has devoted more than 40 years of his working life to researching the history of Latvian photography, leaving lasting records of Latvian cultural history. Korsak’s contribution to the search for the legacy left by photographer Mārtiņš Butler is significant, FEV Minox in researching the history and biography of inventor Walter Capp and compiling many other topics on the medium of photography.

The historian widely published his research in articles and collected them in books. As co-author, Korsak contributed to the publication Photographic Art of Latvia: History and Present in publishing. Expenses have been incurred in recent years Latvian photographers – witnesses of war, photographer legend Eugene Fink.

The results of the research can still be seen in the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Photography, which will turn 30 in May 2023. As a museum historian, he formed the basis of the museum’s tradition of collecting and research. Currently the author focuses on the collection of testimonies and materials on photographers and reporters of the first and second world wars who suffered the repressions. Korsaks is the first recipient of a grant from the Spidolas Foundation cultural foundation in Latvia, a life fellow from the State Cultural Capital Fund, a knight of the Order of the Three Stars.

Kalniete received a certificate of commendation for his contribution to the restoration of Latvia’s independence, the unification of European historical memory and his tireless work for the good of Latvia, including representing the country in the European Parliament.

Member of the EP e of the Koknese Foundation the chairwoman of the council, Kalniete, was born on 22 December 1952 in the village of Togur, Tomsk region, where her parents were deported by the Soviet occupation authorities. After Stalin’s death, when Kalniete was four years old, her family was able to return to Latvia. Kalniete holds a master’s degree in art from the Latvian Academy of Arts, but supplemented her foreign policy knowledge at the University of Leeds and the Geneva Institute of International Relations.

In 1988, Kalniete was actively involved in the creation of the Latvian Popular Front, becoming one of the most visible representatives of the Third Awakening of Latvia. After the restoration of Latvia’s independence, he started working at the new Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Chief of Protocol, then as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In 1993, Kalniete was charged with setting up and managing Latvia’s representation to the United Nations in Geneva. In 1997 she was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to France and subsequently to UNESCO in 2000. From 2002 to 2004, Lei Kalniete was the Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, but in January 2004 she became the first Latvian member of the European Commission. In 2006, Sandra Kalniete of the party Unit was elected to the Saeima, but has been a member of the EP since 2009.

Kalniete is the author of numerous publications and several books, received the highest awards in Latvia and other countries. Including the prestigious one Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom, which is awarded to people who have dedicated their lives to freedom, democracy and resistance to communism and all other forms of tyranny. His novel was published this year You will have four husbands. It is the sixth book written by Kalniete.

His book published in 2001 With dancing shoes in the Siberian snowa documentary about the tragic fate of the author’s parents and grandparents in exile in Siberia, is one of the most translated works of contemporary Latvian literature and has already been published in 17 languages.

Zilbert received a certificate of commendation for his achievements in Latvian piano music and culture, his long-term work as a pedagogue in educating the new generation of musicians.

Zilbert was born on November 17, 1947. He studied at Pāvul Jurjānas Music School and Emīlas Dārziņas Special Music High School, graduating in 1966. Jāzepa Vītola, on the other hand, graduated from the piano class of the Latvian State Conservatory under Professor Igor Kalniņš in 1971. He also graduated from the assistantship of the Leningrad State Conservatory Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

In 1974 he started working in the piano department of the Latvian State Conservatory Jāzeps Vītolas, since 1998 he has been a professor of the Department of Piano, Chamber Ensemble and Piano Accompaniment. More than 50 pianists have graduated in his class, including the teaching staff of Jāzeps Vītolas Latvian Music Academy Inguna Puriņa, Vita Vēriņa, Normunds Vīksne, Mārtiņš Zilberts.

From 1976 to 2004 he was the concert pianist of the Latvian radio and collaborated with about 100 singers and instrumentalists. On the other hand, more than 900 compositions were recorded in the radio studio. CD recordings were made with flautist Dita Krenberg, trombonist Boleslav Voļaks, singers Jānis Sproģi and Inga Pētersonas.

For his services to Latvia in 1998, Zilberts was awarded the Order of Three Stars. In 1995, he received the World Free Latvian Association (PBLA) Department of Music Award for popularizing Latvian music in exile in Latvia, as well as The great music award for a lifetime investment.

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