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The President of Ukraine is tired of Biden, analysis of gestures by psychiatrist Shurov

Psychiatrist Shurov: Zelensky is tired of Biden, it can be seen from the gestures


During a conversation with Vladimir Zelensky, Joe Biden dominated, said Vasily Shurov

US President Joe Biden demonstrates his utter contempt for the head of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. This was stated by psychiatrist Vasily Shurov, having analyzed the behavior of both with their gestures.

“Zelensky is sitting on the edge of the chair, in a closed position, with his hands folded <…> shoulders shrugged, in agreement with Biden. <…> finger poking [Байдена] It is both a nuisance and a threat. <…> He showed his complete contempt for Zelensky, ”Shurov said in an interview. Channel five.

The psychiatrist also noted that the video of the meeting of presidents shows that Zelensky is already tired of Biden with his demands. At the same time, the head of the United States demonstrates unconditional dominance.

Vladimir Zelensky visited the United States December 21 asking for more support. It was reported that the President of Ukraine has not been able to reach its purpose. However, in his speech, Biden expressed his support, according to “Reedus“. At the same time, Bloomberg reported that this visit by Zelensky would not bring anything good to Ukraine. channel 360.

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US President Joe Biden demonstrates his utter contempt for the head of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. This was stated by psychiatrist Vasily Shurov, having analyzed the behavior of both with their gestures. “Zelensky is sitting on the edge of the chair, in a closed position, with his hands folded <…> shoulders shrugged, in agreement with Biden. <…> finger poking [Байдена] It is both a nuisance and a threat. <…> He showed his complete contempt for Zelensky, ”Shurov clarified in an interview with Channel Five. The psychiatrist also noted that the video of the meeting of presidents shows that Zelensky is already tired of Biden with his demands. At the same time, US chief demonstrates unconditional dominance. Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the US on December 21 asking for even more support. It was reported that the president of Ukraine failed to achieve his goal. However, Biden expressed his support in his speech, Reedus reports.At the same time, Bloomberg reported that Zelensky’s visit would not bring anything good to Ukraine, reports 360 TV Channel.

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