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The president of the Chartres commercial court calls on companies to come and see him in case of difficulties

Are European companies victims of a worsening of their situation in the face of the ten weeks of confinement?
To this question, François Robinet, president of the Chartres commercial court, had a double reaction: “The companies that were forced to close found themselves with a very strong sense of panic. This is the case for the restaurant and hotel industry. We immediately opened hotlines by appointment, every Wednesday morning. Unfortunately, we have not seen anyone. I think the measures announced by the government in terms of guaranteed loans, deferrals and exemption from social and tax charges have relatively reassured business leaders. “

Leaders must remove the punitive aspect of the tribunal from their minds. The sooner they come to see us the better!

According to the consular judge, who worked closely with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as the Chamber of Trades and Crafts, companies are afraid to move to the Commercial Court: “The leaders must erase from their mind the punitive aspect of the court. The sooner they come to see us the better! The commercial court can analyze their situation according to two confidential procedures (ad hoc mandate and conciliation). We can help them freeze the debts of their businesses while they find viable solutions. Repayment periods exist and can be spread over ten years. The public treasury and Urssaf can also grant facilities, especially during this exceptionally hard time for everyone. “

François Robinet succeeded Jean-Paul Sureau as president of the Chartres commercial court

Few collective proceedings

François Robinet knows, like many economic leaders, that behind the health crisis hides an unprecedented economic and social crisis. “We have not seen any particular worsening of the situation of companies during the confinement but we know that in the coming weeks things will change. By way of comparison, we had opened 24 collective redress or liquidation proceedings in March 2019 compared to only 8 in March 2020. In April 2019, we had opened 16 proceedings against, again, only 8 in April 2020. I tell the heads who fear something for their business: Come see us quickly and without fear… ”

Ahmed Taghza

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