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the president of the CDH resigns

Luc Mathues, the president of the Verviers section of the CDH has just sent his letter of resignation to the activists and elected officials of his party. Too many decisions have been made behind his back, he explains, and these are decisions he doesn’t approve of. The latest is to entrust the liberal Pierre-Yves Jeholet with the mission of negotiating for the Cartel with the PS.

“I made the decision to resign from my post as president and also to retire from political life. I will no longer be a member of the CDH.”


Luc Mathues explains that he is disappointed and no longer finds the values ​​that brought him to politics and the CDH in particular. “I heard racist comments that I cannot accept and which were aimed at Hasan Aydin and Hajib Elhajjaji.”

The resigning president does not cite any name, but speaks of “people who are quite important in the CDH and who have played a leading political role in the past or at present. Let everyone look in their mirror. Let those who have this kind of problem vis-à-vis Hasan and Hajib at least have the courage to say it loud and clear “.

Decisions taken behind his back

This is not the only problem, adds Luc Mathues. “One of the things that I really did not appreciate is to learn different positions of the CDH through the press and not in internal discussions within the party. There is this decision that Pierre-Yves Jeholet becomes the spokesperson of the Cartel and also the entry of the CDH from Verviers into this Cartel.

It is a problem for me that the interests of the CDH are defended by the Minister-President [libéral] Pierre-Yves Jeholet. I don’t trust him at all.

I have had the impression on different occasions that decisions were taken behind my back and also behind the backs of certain agents. As president of a local, that is a problem for me. “

No resentment towards Cécile Ozer and Jean-François Denis

Luc Mathues, by resigning, fears losing friends. He tries to qualify his point. “Each person within the CDH, I am convinced, wanted to do well. Personally, I have no resentment towards Cécile Ozer or Jean-François Denis. They are people that I appreciate humanely. I have great esteem for them. On the other hand, I do not agree with their way of doing things. That is not how I want to be in politics.

For me, it was no longer possible to continue. I didn’t feel at peace with myself. I need to be proud of my convictions. This was no longer the case for the moment. I hope there will be a jump, but I have the impression that a lot of people are forgetting Verviers. ”

The political chaos of Verviers is not just in the PS. It is also at the CDH.

The Verviers CDH takes note and refutes

The Verviers CDH reacted this Friday evening in a press release: The cdH Verviers office met this Friday and takes note of the resignation of Luc Mathues as president of the local section. The 2 vice-presidents (Marie Capocci and Corinne Sisterman) ensure the day-to-day management allowing the local section to be operational.

The office strongly refutes the allegations of racist remarks evoked by Luc Mathues which amount to calumny. In any crisis situation, you have to know how to gain height and put your egos aside, especially here in the interest of the people of Verviers.

It is in this context that it seemed appropriate to us to have the reinforcement of Alain Mager, president of the district of the cdH and of Pierre-Yves Jeholet, president of the district of the MR. It is important to point out that the association’s negotiators, for the cdH Cécile Ozer and Jean-François Denis, are working tirelessly to get Verviers out of this crisis. “*

* CDH reaction added Friday at 7:47 p.m.

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