Home » today » World » The President of Tajikistan signed a legislation banning the sporting of garments “alien to the nationwide tradition” within the nation

The President of Tajikistan signed a legislation banning the sporting of garments “alien to the nationwide tradition” within the nation

On June 20, the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon signed 35 legal guidelines, together with “On the regulation of celebrations and ceremonies” and “On duty for the training and upbringing of a kid,” which have been designed to “values ​​of tradition nationwide protection.” Details about this publishing press service of the top of state.

It’s within the legislation on celebrations and ceremonies that there’s now a ban on sporting “overseas garments”, for non-compliance a wonderful will probably be imposed. The textual content, nonetheless, doesn’t point out precisely which kind of clothes is beneath the definition of “alien to the nationwide tradition” and which is forbidden to promote and put on.

Po data The group Asia-Plus, some residents started to complain that authorities started to cease ladies from sporting hijabs within the streets and demanded that they take off the hijab or put on it as headband

A number of new articles have been added to the legislation on elevating youngsters, strengthening the function of academics, academic establishments, public commissions, state and self-government organizations and representatives of the general public.

Earlier, Emomali Rahmon mentioned that youngsters and younger folks should be protected against the affect of “harmful and scary teams and actions,” and requested to stop a scenario the place youngsters “injury good the identify of the Tajik nation and their dad and mom. “

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2024-06-20 21:21:36

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