About 100,000 workers, farmers, and citizens (estimated by the organizers) gathered in downtown Seoul and raised their voices calling for the resignation of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration.
On the 9th, the Movement Headquarters for the resignation of Yoon Seok-yeol’s regime (Resignation Movement Headquarters), in which the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, National People’s Movement, and Progressive University Students Net held the ‘First Rally for the Resignation of the Yoon Seok-yeol regime’ on Sejong-daero, Seoul. The ‘National Workers’ Congress’, held every November by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, is being held this year as the first general rally in collaboration with other civil society organizations. They plan to hold a second general rally on November 20th and a third rally on December 7th.
Those who took the stage at the rally on this day unanimously said that the Yoon Seok-yeol government is going down the wrong path. In his speech, Yang Gyeong-soo, chairman of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, said, “People’s livelihoods are in ruins, and border residents are unable to endure the war-like reality and have taken refuge,” adding, “Angry citizens are asking whether the president of this country is Kim Kun-hee or Myung Tae-gyun. But what did they do wrong?” He pointed out, “The Yoon Seok-yeol regime, which they don’t know, closes its eyes and ears and says it will not stop its reckless rampage.”
▲Members of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions are shouting slogans at the 2024 National Workers’ Congress and First Resignation Rally to Inherit the Spirit of Jeon Tae-il, held in the area of Sungnyemun Gate in Seoul on the afternoon of the 9th. ⓒYonhap News
Chairman Yang claimed, “The people are targets of subservience and oppression to the Yoon Seok-yeol administration, which is reducing the welfare of the common people in order to make up for the hole in revenue by cutting taxes on the rich,” and added, “Voices of criticism and criticism are fake news and anti-national incitement.”
Chairman Yang said, “The rule of law is only a tool to oppress workers, and they and their families are above the law,” and urged, “Let’s clearly show them who is the owner of this country.”
At the same time, Chairman Yang mentioned President Yoon Seok-yeol’s press conference and said, “The president’s final debate two days ago showed the end of this regime,” and “The people, who are the subject of power, were wrong! Change it! They demanded it, but President Yoon Seok-yeol can’t do it! I won’t do it.” “Shouldn’t you shout, “Get out now!”
Park Sang-hyeon, head of the KBS headquarters of the media union, pointed out, “Currently, KBS is doing its best to serve Yongsan, not the people.” Director Park explained, “In the past year, KBS has been completely ruined,” and “all critical programs have disappeared.”
For example, Director Park said, “The documentary on the 10th anniversary of the Sewol Ferry was not aired for the absurd reason that it would influence the general election. On Liberation Day, the Japanese national anthem Kimigayo was played and ‘The Beginning of a Miracle’, which glorified the dictator, was broadcast,” and “Presidential press conference.” He pointed out, “They are hiding Kim Kun-hee’s suspicions by just taking dictation without verification.”
Director Park then said of KBS president candidate Park Jang-beom, “Park Jang-beom is the ‘pouch’ who took the lead in dedicating his sincerity to Yongsan,” adding, “He called the 3 million won Dior bag that Kim Geon-hee received a ‘small pouch’ and made KBS the subject of ridicule from the entire nation.” He claimed, “Park Jang-beom, who created , has become a candidate for the next KBS president.”
Park Gyeong-deuk, head of the Medical Solidarity Headquarters of the Public Transport Workers’ Union, said, “The Yoon Seok-yeol government’s medical reform includes a privatization plan that entrusts medical care to the market, revitalizes private insurance and reduces health insurance,” and added, “As the President said, no matter how many doctors are increased, regional and “There is no way to allocate it to essential medical care,” he argued.
Director Park said, “The president is ruining the lives of the people.” He added, “The 4+1 reforms of pension, medical care, education, labor, and overcoming low birth rates are the most important things in the lives of the people. If the government’s plan goes as planned, our lives will be transformed into a market.” “It becomes a product of ,” he claimed.
Seon Jae-won, standing chairman of the National Association of Professors and Researchers for a Democratic and Equal Society, said, “An anti-labor figure becomes the Minister of Labor, an anti-unification figure becomes the Minister of Unification, an anti-environment figure becomes the Minister of Environment, an anti-human rights figure becomes the National Human Rights Commission Chairman, and even the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.” “In this extraordinary situation where a person who wanted to dismantle the government was appointed as minister, the Minister of National Defense recently threatened our existence,” he pointed out.
Chairman Sun said, “Despite the large-scale disasters that occurred in Itaewon and Osong and the unjust death of the late Corporal Chae Soo-geun, there was no proper investigation of the truth or punishment of those responsible,” and asked, “Where is fairness and common sense here?”
Chairman Sun said, “The president and his wife Kim Kun-hee’s manipulation of public opinion and interference in elections and interests, which have been recently exposed, are not at the level of fairness and common sense, but are clearly criminal acts.” He urged, “He must resign immediately because he has lost his position.”
▲Members of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions are shouting slogans at the 2024 National Workers’ Congress and First Resignation Rally to Inherit the Spirit of Jeon Tae-il, held in the area of Sungnyemun Gate in Seoul on the afternoon of the 9th. ⓒYonhap News
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