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The presidency is slipping through Trump: how many votes is Biden ahead in crucial states?

What is the difference in votes? And how many still have to be counted?

Georgia (16 electors): 917 votes difference

The battle for the state of Georgia (16 electors) is blood-curdling. Donald Trump led the preliminary results for days, but his lead over Joe Biden narrowed little by little. Just now, Biden has caught up with Trump and the Democrat has a 917 vote lead, CNN reports. More than 99 percent of the votes are counted.

Note: Joe Biden has not yet officially brought in the state. The results are too close to indicate a winner.

Georgia is vital. If Biden takes the win, the Democrat ends up with 269 electors. Then profit is in any other outstanding swing state enough to become president.

If Georgia loses, Trump cannot become president. The Republican would then have a maximum of 269 electors (if he won all other states), one too few for the presidency.

Pennsylvania (20 electors): Biden now 6,737 votes to

Also in the crucial swing state Pennsylvania Biden jumped over Trump. Biden now has a lead of 6,737 votes.

Another 140,000 votes are counted, many of which could go to Joe Biden according to projections.

Nevada (6 electors): undecided

In Nevada, Biden is in the lead with 0.9 percent, or nearly 11,500 votes.

Arizona (11 electoral votes): Biden in the lead

In the southwestern state of Arizona, which, according to predictions from Fox News and other American media, will go to Biden, the development has actually been reversed. That is where Trump catches up with Biden. The latter leads there for the time being with 1.6 percent or almost 47,000 votes. There is still 10 percent to count.

If Arizona’s 11 electors do go to Biden, a victory in Georgia (16 electors) will be enough for the Democrat to reach the critical 270 electoral threshold and win the presidential election. If Biden eventually wins in Pennsylvania, he won’t need Arizona to beat Trump.

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