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The presence of PSG’s Ultras confirmed, Ferracci announces his complaints

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Two days after the incidents during the Paris FC – OL match, which led to the outright stoppage of the match at the break, light continues to be shed on the conditions of these incidents, and on the people involved.

L’Equipe announced this Sunday evening that the video analysis shed light on the presence of Ultras from PSG, members of Virage Auteuil and Collective Ultras Paris. These members of the Ferveur Parisienne group have been planning to do battle for several days already, the clash with the Lyon supporters having been in the pipeline for several days, by interposed chambering.

Ferracci announces complaints

For his part, on the channel L’Equipe, the president of Paris FC Patrick Ferracci spoke, announcing a strong action to come from the Parisian club. “Indeed, I consider that the game is not equal and I think that the best service that we will render to Jean-Michel Aulas will be, after the decision of the commission, to file a complaint, several complaints. You will see that some of these complaints will help the Lyonnais to clean up. There are two ways of looking at security concerns today. Either we continue to bunkerize the stadiums, or we prevent these morons, violent, cowards, some hooded from entering the stadiums. We are clearly in this perspective. We have to prevent them from coming to the stadiums for a very long time. “

to summarize

Information continues to fall about the terrible incidents of the match between Paris FC and OL, in particular on the supporters involved. According to the Team, the Ultras of PSG had indeed decided to do battle with the Lyonnais.


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