Home » today » Entertainment » The premiere of the theater troupe Kvadrifrons for children B_Ž_S / Diena

The premiere of the theater troupe Kvadrifrons for children B_Ž_S / Diena

Researchers from a secret military unit are calling for an illegal meeting at a seemingly usual place in the show. The participants of the meeting will be provided with confidential information that has been hidden so far. Tremors, ‘heartburn’, pillbiks, and heels are just some of the phenomena these researchers are monitoring and eradicating. Also, those present will witness the unveiling of video materials hidden in various archives.

The original version of the performance was shown in 2019 at the Valmiera Summer Theater Festival. Now it’s time for its renewed version to meet its audience in Riga, Zeļļu Street 25. The production has been nominated for a theater award Gamblers Night 2020/2021. during the season.

Theater critic Andris Rutkēviča on B_Ž_S writes: “Here you can get both a scientific explanation of where fear arises in the body and how it works, proof that fear can be dealt with, and evidence of how it is possible to help others overcome fear. Everything that happens is both serious and theatrical. , a little scary at times and sometimes very funny – just a cocktail of emotions to cope with fear. “

The director of the production is Reinis Boters, the video materials were filmed and directed by Āris Matesovičs, while the musical design was created by Uldis Snikers. The lighting design was created by Nick Cyprus and the video artist is Laima Hauks. Reinis Boters, Āris Matesovičs and Uldis Snikers also participate in the show as actors.

The show is intended for primary school children (grades 1 to 6).

The show can be attended in accordance with the existing epidemiological regulations in the country. The performance is made with the program of the Valmiera Summer Theater Festival Latvian school bag and the support of the State Culture Capital Fund.

More: www.kvadrifrons.lv

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