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The precarious conditions in which food delivery men must work in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

news, thank you very much.new york city denouncethe precarious conditions ofwork that thedangers they face dailylike robberies and run over.reporter: a delivery manfood of mexican originfascinated recently over twoprevent you from stealing yourbicycle according to investigationspolice previews.his death has put thefocus on the insecureworkers.for the hour, I’m afraid thatrun over me or go toshoot for stealing the bike.reporter: gustavo king has beenvictim of these games, accountthat he and his companions haveorganized their own groupssecurity because they have toreported the robberies, in thethey even get a reply.the bicycles of thesedelivery drivers is not insuredthey work like they couldcost you three weeks ofwork and the possibility ofcontinue work.They also tell us that I knowface abuselabor by theapplications with whichthey work.in this pandemic wehe was working and they abusedwith long distances, thetip robbery.reporter: lucinda here you gofive months pregnant wesays that for the application withthe one who worked the block withoutno obligation leaving herunemployed.these applications treat thedelivery man as employee butthey have no right, not eventhey pay him the lowest salary.that the compías leave usto steal the salary, that wepay the minimum wage, thatwe have insuranceedic.because as I tell you I can go outfrom my house but not if I’m going toto return.I would like you to take us inaccount.reporter: on April 21 theseworkers will carry out amassive march in manhattan torequire that your requests beheard.

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