Home » today » Technology » The Prague Stock Exchange is the weakest since the end of April. The Czech koruna weakened against major world currencies Companies and markets

The Prague Stock Exchange is the weakest since the end of April. The Czech koruna weakened against major world currencies Companies and markets

Prague The Prague Stock Exchange has reached its weakest level since the end of April, when the state of emergency was still in place. The PX index fell 0.16 percent to 857.72 points on Friday, the lowest since April 24. This follows from the results of trading on the stock exchange website.

The government in the Czech Republic declared a state of emergency due to the spread of coronavirus in the first weeks of the epidemic. It was valid from about mid-March to mid-May. On Wednesday, the cabinet announced that the state of emergency will be declared again from Monday, October 5.

At the beginning of March this year, when the first cases of covid-19 disease appeared in the Czech Republic, the Prague Stock Exchange index remained above a thousand points. Subsequently, especially after the declaration of a state of emergency on March 12, the stock market fell sharply to 690 points. Then she gradually wiped out the losses. Since mid-September, when record increases in the number of infected and new government measures against the spread of the virus appeared again, the stock market has weakened again. On Friday, the Ministry of Health stated that the largest daily increase in covid-19 cases since the beginning of the epidemic in the Czech Republic was recorded on Thursday.

Most of the main issues of the Prague Stock Exchange lost or stagnated on Friday. Among the weakening were also emissions, which were traded in the largest volumes. For example, shares of Komerční banka fell by 0.52 percent to 482 crowns and shares of Moneta Money Bank by 0.93 percent to 53 crowns.

The securities of the tobacco company Philip Morris ČR weakened the most, by 1.02 percent to 13,640 crowns. On the other hand, the biggest growth was recorded by the shares of the producer of spirits Stock, which rose by 1.75 percent to 64 crowns.

The Czech currency weakened against both major world currencies on Friday. Compared to the previous conclusion, the koruna depreciated against the euro by 21 pennies to CZK 27.08 / EUR and to the dollar by 22 pennies to CZK 23.12 / USD. This follows from the data on the Patria Online server.

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