Home » today » News » The PP would almost double its seats in Madrid if there were autonomous elections today

The PP would almost double its seats in Madrid if there were autonomous elections today

If the regional elections were held this Saturday in Madrid the PP he would shoot his results with 57 seats compared to 30 you currently have in the Regional parliament, while Citizens would lose more than half (from 26 it would go to 10) and More Madrid, the party of Iñigo Errejón, the same (from 20 to 9).

So he predicts a GAD3 survey for the newspaper ABC on the occasion of the Dos de Mayo party, from which it appears that bipartisanship regains some tone and that one in three voters of Ciudadanos and Vox returns to the Popular Party.

Ciudadanos would go from 26 to 10 seats, one more than the party of Iñigo Errejon (More Madrid)

According to the poll, the PP would regain lost leadership and would again be the most voted force with 41.1% of the ballots and 57 seats (on May 26, 2019, the polls gave it 30 seats, 22.2%) , while the PSOE would be the second force at a great distance but would slightly improve its 2019 results, with 38 seats in the regional Parliament, 27.9% of the votes (last year it was the first force and won 37 seats, the 27.3%).

The orange formation, now in the regional government in coalition with the PP, would achieve 10 seats, 7.6% of the votes (compared to the 26 seats and 19.4% that it achieved in 2019); and Más Madrid would keep 9 seats, 6.6% of the vote count (last year it got 20 seats with 14.6 5).

The PSOE would get one more seat than it currently has

Vox also leaves some armchair along the way, but with a much more moderate drop: it would achieve 10 seats, the same as Cs, with 7.6% of the votes, compared to the 12 seats and 8.9% that it obtained a year ago. year.

And Unidas Podemos, meanwhile, scratches some votes for Más Madrid and slightly improves its results: 8 seats and 6.4% of the votes, more than the 7 seats and 5.6% harvested in 2019.

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