Home » today » News » The PP uses the strip of telling that the Valencia City Council wants to implement in the neighborhoods | Radio Valencia

The PP uses the strip of telling that the Valencia City Council wants to implement in the neighborhoods | Radio Valencia

The Popular Party It has contested the introduction of the counting strips in different parts of the city because it will suppose unfair competition to the markets and neighborhood businesses such as greengrocers or small stores. The PP has presented the appeal by not having the strip of counting favorable reports from the General Directorate of Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and being, in some cases, next to environments Asset of Cultural Interest.

The councilor of the PP, Santiago Ballester, is shown against these markets because they generate a unfair competition with shops and markets in the areas where they are established. And is that the sellers of the counting strip do not pay taxes while the shops do. The popular ones propose looking for locations that do not collide with legally established businesses in our neighborhoods. In fact, the vendors in the Colón market, where one of the counting strips will be installed, have already shown their frontal rejection.

The popular ones ask that the counting strip not be installed in the surroundings of the municipal markets due to the economic damage that it could cause to their vendors and to local businesses. They warn that en municipal markets there are free stalls “where these vendors could settle without breaking the distribution chain, complying with the same sanitary measures and with the same fiscal conditions regarding the payment of municipal taxes ”.

According to the popular ones in the resource “this mandatory report was essential As has been subsequently recognized when a report was requested on March 31, 2021, to the aforementioned General Directorate of Heritage since some of these counting strips are located in protected environments such as the Colón Market, and cannot be corrected after the resolution adopted in plenary session ”.

The planned location on Martínez Ferrando street is within the protected environment of the BIC Mercado de Colón, so the Historical and Artistic Heritage Service should have informed about it ”, explains Ballester in his appeal.

About the strip of Castellar the Popular councilor affirms in his appeal that it is in a green zone. Collects the resource that “on the location in” Plaça de la Figuereta de Castellar “, the report of the Technical Office for Urban Planning dated February 19, 2021 with the current Planning indicates:” the installation of a Market in the “Plaça de la Figuereta de Castellar ”was informed by this technical office on 04/24/2020 to the Trade and Supply Service at EXPTE .: E-02901-2020-000128-00. Its content is attached below since the situation has not changed.

“In addition, there is a detailed green area in the surroundings, classified as a” Local System of Free Spaces (EL) “, in which the” Use of Supply (Dab) “specific to the market, is prohibited according to article 6-69.2 c), of the Urban Planning Regulations of the General Plan, by reference of article 6.73, so that the proposed market could not be installed on the green zone ”.

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