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The Powerful Health Benefits of Papaya Seeds: Killing Bacteria, Inhibiting Bad Fats, and More

MalangNetwork.com – Papaya fruit has been proven to have health benefits.

It is not surprising that papaya is one of the favorite fruits of Indonesian society.

In general, papaya is believed to be able to facilitate bowel movements, reduce stress and even become a medicine when menstrual pain strikes.

Did you know that it’s not only papaya flesh that is beneficial for health, but papaya seeds apparently have even more powerful properties.

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The seeds in papaya fruit contain benzyl isothiocyanate which is effective as a germicide and insecticide or the natural defense of papaya itself from pest and insect attacks.

The effects of germicides and insecticides apparently have benefits on the human body as antibacterials.

Papaya seeds are believed to be effective in killing bacteria ecoli, salmonellaand staphylococcus which is usually the cause of diarrhea, gastrointestinal infections and typhus.

According to Dr. Emasuperr papaya seeds are also effective in inhibiting the absorption of bad fats in the human body.

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Compared to the drug orlistat, papaya seeds are more effective and powerful.

1.5 grams of papaya seed extract is equivalent to 120 grams of orlistat. For information, orlistat itself is a drug usually given to obese patients.

Dr. Emasuperr added that papaya seeds contain pancreatic lipase inhibitors which function as inhibitors of the absorption of dietary fat when consumed.

It is not surprising of course that nowadays many diet warriors often consume papaya seed extract to achieve ideal body weight.

2023-09-14 10:20:00
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