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The Power of Turmeric: Fighting Cancer and Preventing Brain Degeneration

There is a natural spice that can fight cancer and prevent brain degeneration! This spice, which is dark orange in color, has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, pain-relieving, cholesterol-reducing properties, both confirmed in Indian and Chinese medicine. A doctor pointed out that one food method can effectively increase the absorption rate by 200 times and prevent 14 diseases or health problems.

Anti-cancer food|1 Spice for anti-cancer and anti-brain degeneration Turmeric VS Ginger has great effect

Li Sixian, a family physicianits facebook pageThe article pointed out that turmeric and ginger are two different plants. Although the appearance and taste of the two are similar, their functions are not the same. Turmeric is a deep orange color when cut and has a slightly bitter taste. It is mainly used as a spice ingredient in Indian and Southeast Asian cuisine. In Indian and Chinese medicine, turmeric has the following benefits:

Turmeric Benefits

  • Indian Medicine Benefits: Skin, Digestive Tract, Inflammation or Wound Healing
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine Efficacy: Invigorate blood circulation, promote qi circulation, remove stasis, stimulate menstrual flow, relieve pain

Curcumin is actually a compound in turmeric, which belongs to a class of compounds called “curcuminoids” (curcuminoid), which includes three compounds in the following ratios:

  • Curcumin (C1): 77%
  • Demethoxycurcumin (C2): 17%
  • Bisdemethoxycurcumin bisdemethoxycurcumin (C3): 3%

Anti-cancer food|Curcumin is effective in preventing 14 kinds of diseases

Dr. Lee Sixian continued that curcumin has many benefits to the body and can help prevent 14 diseases, including cancer and brain degeneration:

Dr. Li cited research that curcuminoid compounds are more effective in inducing cell death in cancer cells. Curcumin also reduces inflammation and oxidation in the body.

Anti-cancer food|Turmeric absorption rate increased by 200 times in one way

Dr. Lee recommends that turmeric should be taken with or after meals. However, he reminded that the effect of taking turmeric or curcumin alone is limited, because only turmeric contains about 2% to 5% curcumin, the amount is small, and the degree of human absorption is low. He suggested that taking turmeric with black pepper can increase the absorption rate of curcumin by 200 times.

He recommends taking turmeric in moderation,However, if you are pregnant or taking anti-coagulant drugs, you must be evaluated by your doctor before taking turmeric.

Anti-cancer food|Ginger can help fight cancer and lose weight

Ginger and turmeric are different members of the ginger family. Dr. Li pointed out that ginger contains an important active ingredient gingerol (Gingerol), which is also the main source of its aroma and taste. Studies have shown that gingerol has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and even has the effect of inducing cancer cell death and regulating cancer cell cycle. In Chinese and Western medicine, ginger has the following effects:

Dr. Li pointed out that from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is believed to have anti-vomiting, cough-relieving, anti-cold, cold and improving digestion effects, and ginger can be taken even if blood pressure is low; Symptoms, especially chemotherapy-induced nausea, can be treated with adjuvant courses. At the same time, ginger also has the effect of preventing morning sickness, but it is recommended that pregnant women should consult their doctors before taking ginger, and should not take more than 1500 mg per day, and should not be taken when approaching childbirth.

Dr. Li continued that ginger also has the effects of anti-inflammatory, increasing metabolism, stabilizing blood sugar, improving blood lipids and indigestion. Many people who lose weight will eat ginger to improve their weight. In addition, some studies have pointed out that ginger is good for degenerative arthritis. Finally, he reminded that although ginger tea is a good supplement, it is not suitable to add too much sugar, otherwise the benefits of ginger will be greatly offset.

content obtained“Dr. Sisi, a good friend who accompanies you to be healthy”Authorized to reprint

Further reading: Young Ginger VS Fresh Ginger VS Old Ginger VS Ginger Mother Health Benefits

Dietitian Gao Minmin once worked inFacebook pageIt is pointed out that according to the growth period, ginger is divided into child ginger, fresh ginger, old ginger and ginger mother. What kind of ginger should be eaten when the weather is cold, humid, and edema? Gao Minmin listed the taste, spiciness and health benefits of 4 kinds of ginger:

Extended reading: 4 benefits of eating ginger

Does Ginger Help Digestion? Gao Minmin pointed out that ginger contains gingerol, shogaol, zingerone and gingerol. The nutrition and benefits are as follows:

Further reading:Spicy food is prone to stomach pain and acid reflux?

Eating spicy food but afraid of hurting your stomach?Nutritionist Gao Minmin in hisfacebook pageHe said that many people have doubts about eating spicy food. Is it true or false that eating hurts the stomach and hurts the body? Gao Minmin answers 3 myths about spicy food:

Further reading:Spicy food can burn fat and beautify the face

Nutritionist Gao Minmin pointed out that as long as you eat in moderation, eating spicy food actually has many benefits. The 6 major benefits of eating spicy food are as follows:

Written by: Victoria

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2023-06-07 11:17:37

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