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The Power of the Full Moon Lunation and the Importance of Saving Energy

The saved energy will come in handy. On Friday, September 29, shortly before noon, the Moon in Aries will travel exactly opposite the Sun in Libra, and this year’s wildest full moon lunation will occur. In general, full moons end, close and complete. This time they will also sort out iniquities, which must be symbolically burned to ashes. What you are not sure about, it will guide you to the best option and in case of difficulties, it will offer an effective strategy to correct it. The Moon in Aries also acts as a huge driving force. It will bring speed to personal and collective decisions, it will often involve unexpected twists and turns, which of course will require a lot of energy.

The full lunation occurs in the first decan of Aries. This is nicknamed the “Axe”, which can cut even steel bonds, i.e. everything restrictive, servile or vassal, as well as what has lost its meaning and is only a burden. Everything will revolve around relationships in all forms, i.e. not only personal, but also collective, social, and on a global scale, it can be predicted that diplomats will be busy. Mars, the ruler of Aries, i.e. the full moon, will be in the star zone, which, according to ancient astrologers, is the exile of “fallen angels”. Individuals who have broken the rules in any relationship, community or participation will symbolically end up here, and it is also possible that someone famous or powerful in the media will be knocked off their pedestal.

The extremely idealistic, detached from reality constellation of Venus with Uranus (quadrature) will also take care of completely unexpected and apparently shocking situations, when everything will seem to be upside down. You probably won’t believe your eyes or ears as to who befriended whom, made a pact, or went into a holport, and the reasoning will make your head spin. Since the full moon lunation is valid for 14 days, until the new moon, don’t let yourself be lulled into peace. Events will come like a bolt from the blue, which also applies to the weather. The horoscope indicates unusual, even strange meteorological phenomena.

Beran (21. 3. – 20. 4.)

In the first half of the week, they will make their debts known, but not financial ones. It will be an open matter that you consider closed, but the situation will force you to finally tell the person it concerns. You will probably be tormented by your conscience that you have been dragging it out, putting it off, but fortunately, the full moon in your sign will help you get rid of your regrets. He advises you to forgive the sins of others and forgive yourself. If you are “at war” with someone for a long time, wait until you shake hands to reconcile. In mid-October, an annular eclipse will occur in your relationship sector and you will clarify who is who.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Monday through Friday, repeat to yourself that every action creates a reaction. Because someone will behave tactlessly towards you or violate discretion and “reveal” what you revealed to them in a weak moment. There are many variants of what could happen, but whatever awkward or unfortunate situation you find yourself in, forget about revenge. Rematch, i.e. retaliation, would catch up with you like a boomerang. Be aware that the benevolent Jupiter is passing through your sign, which will not leave you in the lurch; it’s just that those who wait will get. If someone from your family or parents is restricting or holding you back, you will finally come up with a trick on the weekend to change it.

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Consider carefully who you share any secrets with. According to the horoscope, there is a risk that the person in question will inadvertently or even intentionally reveal everything just to be interesting Photo: Shutterstock.com

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

You will see everything as if from a bird’s eye view, which will open your eyes and reveal a fatal embarrassment. You will become clear about who is de facto taking steps that are not even mistakenly in your best interest. It may occur to you that the person has manipulated you, as if programmed so perfectly that you believed him without limit. Fortunately, your inner warrior will wake up, so you can quickly cut off the tipster from the schemers. The opposite situation occurs if you go to visit relatives without notice or through the neighbors’ land without permission. They will categorically direct you on the weekend.

Rak (22. 6. – 22. 7.)

Until Wednesday, if someone older or more experienced criticizes you, you’d better keep quiet. In the end, you will become friends with this person, because you will understand that they will teach you what you will not find in books. If you are unable to balance your career with your family life, around Friday you will start to consider a job change, as well as if you are living in a profession that you do not enjoy or really support. If your enthusiasm doesn’t leave you, you will find a great job within 14 days. Others will celebrate professional success, which may be a promotion or gaining a more responsible position. Don’t buy anything on Sunday, otherwise you’ll be horrified next week at how unsavory things you bought.

Lev (23. 7. – 22. 8.)

Everything unresolved, related to the law, i.e. laws, foreign affairs or education, will remind you with double intensity. Luckily, you’ll have two weeks to think it over. This will come in handy especially for individuals who intend to change their place of residence or their field of study. They like two areas or disciplines, but after considering all the pros and cons, they choose the best one that will really fulfill their ideas. In the days around Saturday, you will have less trouble fitting in with others. Why? Wherever you step, you will draw attention to yourself, and people from other zodiac signs will simply be jealous of you.

Panna (23. 8. – 22. 9.)

Go back to topics where your efforts to convince someone of something failed. This time, with the support of Mercury in your sign, everything will run smoothly. This will also come in handy for individuals who are awaiting negotiations for money from external sources, i.e. handling applications for subsidies, various benefits, loans and the like; they do not leave the bank or office empty-handed. Over the weekend, you’ll find out too late that your views are unpopular, and you’ll obviously turn a few people against you. However, it will be a beneficial lesson as you will be clear about what to keep to yourself next time.

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According to the stars, you have a decent prospect of getting the funding you’ve been asking for. However, you need to not give up when you encounter obstacles or unwilling individualsPhoto: Shutterstock.com

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

If you are angry with someone, realize how much energy it costs you to feed your resentment, anger or power struggle. In addition, the horoscope will show you as a mirror how others see and perceive you. Whatever the final balance may be, forgive those who hold grudges against you. When you stop thinking about them, the energy that de facto binds you to these “enemies” is released. In no time, you will not only feel enormous strength in yourself, but you will also start to feel great psychologically. In the following two weeks, even where you were in someone’s shadow, you will become a leader.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Consider it a blessing that in the first half of the week you are not able to agree with older people, except for the child’s teacher. Your ideas will be shot, but you won’t waste time on “nonsense”. Around Friday, you will become clear about what has gone over your head and is taking its toll on your body box. For example, it could be a job that drains you physically and mentally, and the fear of financial security prevents you from doing anything about it. Or a health problem that you are not solving because you are afraid of a medical examination. Fears will be put to an end by the full moon lunation, and you will start to deal with what is bothering you immediately after the weekend.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

In the first half of the week, the horoscope recommends that you prepare your home, garden, or weekend cottage for the cold season. You will be careful, patient and also incredibly creative, so you will be able to deal with problems that you would otherwise order a craftsman to solve. From Thursday you will feel like you can do magic. When you think of someone, they suddenly appear before you. Emotional healing awaits the embittered, single individual, as a full moon lunation indicates a romantic introduction that will continue. Don’t take a break on the weekend, otherwise you’ll be praying for kidney disease.

Photo: Shutterstock.com

Autumn’s dry weather and still summer clothes is a combination that brings a cold. Do not underestimate anything, so that a cold and cough does not turn out to be something more serious Photo: Shutterstock.com

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Keep your ears and eyes peeled around your home. Otherwise, you will miss information related to, for example, a water or electricity outage or excavation work. It’s going to be something that if you don’t prepare in advance, it will complicate your life. In the days around Friday, start solving family problems without embarrassment, even if you correctly suspect that it will not be possible without stormy arguments. In the end, you will manage to find a constructive solution, which is the most important thing. A hot weekend awaits the newly in love, because the horoscope indicates an argument, reconciliation, separation and return.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)

Finally, you will find a way to deal with noisy neighbors or a messy roommate, as well as an unreliable tenant to whom you are renting space for your business. Even from your words it will be clear that you are angry and the cup of your patience has overflowed. As the two weeks starting are suitable for activities related to traveling short distances, as well as for studying, if you do not have a driving license, sign up for a driving school. If you already have a driver’s license, it won’t hurt to take a skid school. Don’t give in to your significant other or family on the weekend, or you’ll be playing second fiddle until the end of the year.

Pisces (February 21 – March 20)

You are number one in the zodiac when it comes to helping others and often waste good deeds. Finally, there will be constellations that will make it clear to you who is worth fighting for and de facto burning your fingers for, and who it is high time to send to the arrow. Your desire to save and your desire to spend will also come into conflict. Since an eclipse will soon occur in your money sector, you better turn over every crown, because it can be assumed that the financial reserve will come in handy. On the weekend, someone slanders your work and take that as an impulse to argue. During it, it surfaces that the “critic” doesn’t even reach your ankles professionally.

Affirmation for this week: I get rid of negative thoughts and everything that does not benefit my life…

2023-09-25 03:00:38
#Weekly #horoscope #Gemini #reveals #manipulator #Cancers #change #profession #Aquarius #enjoy #driving #Proženy.cz

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