FAJAR.CO.ID, JAKARTA — In the midst of the hustle and bustle of daily activities, Muslims are reminded of the importance of reciting basmalah before starting each activity.
A simple step, yet full of meaning, that breathes life into every action.
Each activity begins with the blessing words, “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim,” which means, “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.”
These words are not just a series of letters, but a spiritual gate that brings blessings.
By reciting basmalah, every Muslim brings awareness of God in every step.
This is a reminder that every action, from the simplest to the complex, should be undertaken with His name at the center of all success.
The virtue of reading basmalah lies not only in the rituality, but also in opening the door to God’s grace.
Starting by saying the name of Allah is an acknowledgment of dependence on Him in all things.
Therefore, basmalah is a source of strength, wisdom and blessings in living daily life.
The famous Indonesian dai, Ustaz Adi Hidayat in his lecture mentioned that actions that do not begin with basmalah, will lose their value in the eyes of God.
“The Messenger of God SAW said, Every good deed that does not start with bismillahirrahmanirrahim, then its value of blessings and glory is cut off in the eyes of Allah SWT,” said the Pandeglang-born scholar quoted from the YouTube account @Adi Hidayat Official (17/1/2024).