Singer and actress IU (Lee Ji-eun) is giving a greeting at the movie ‘Dream’ production report held at Megabox Seongsu on the 30th of last month. ⓒ Reporter Hong Geum-pyo of Dailyian
Singer IU said, “When I am in a bad mood or depressed, I have to move my body quickly. You have to move, whether it’s washing dishes or walking around the house.”
As IU said, it is a scientifically proven fact that moving the body with an intensity enough to call it exercise has a clear effect on changing one’s mood. The higher the intensity of the exercise, the greater the effect. Several studies have shown that a longer exercise period is more effective than a short exercise period. Even a brisk walk for 30 minutes to an hour every day can have a great effect.
According to the announcement of the World Health Organization (WHO), as of 2019, 1 in 8 people worldwide, or 970 million people, suffer from a mental disorder. Depression plays a big part. As the Corona 19 pandemic hit the world in 2020, more people complained of mental disorders. However, most people do not receive appropriate treatment due to various limitations such as cost, time, and environment.
One of the solutions is exercise. Depression is considered one of the mental disorders that can benefit the most from exercise. Endorphins are naturally produced in our body when we exercise. After all, exercise acts like an antidepressant. Although there are differences in degree, all types of physical activities and exercises such as aerobic exercise such as walking, running, and trekking as well as strength training, Pilates, and yoga were found to be helpful.
Recently, researchers at the University of South Australia analyzed published clinical studies and analyzed that exercise is more effective in improving depression than medication or counseling. “Exercise seems to help improve depression by increasing the expression of neurotrophic factor (NTF), which promotes memory formation, and promoting the secretion of serotonin and norepinephrine, which are neurotransmitters that affect emotional states,” he said.

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Our brain is 85% water. Therefore, when we walk or move our body to the extent that we shed sweat, the brain is also moved and exercised, and serotonin secretion is activated. Serotonin, called the ‘happiness hormone’, stabilizes emotions such as stress and anxiety. If you can walk in the sun, the icing on the cake. When running starts to feel pain, endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin are secreted in a complex way, giving intense pleasure.
Regular exercise reduces oxidative damage to brain cells and increases learning ability through brain cell development.
When you exercise, your muscles produce a protein called IGF-1. IGF-1 flows through the blood and reaches the brain, where it sends commands to the nervous system to produce other chemicals, including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a brain neurotransmitter. The more BDNF you have in your brain, the more knowledge you can accumulate. It is one of the grounds for claiming that exercise not only makes your brain better but also prevents depression and dementia.
When exercise is stopped, neurotransmitters are not produced. This means that if you don’t move your body, your brain function can weaken as well. This is why you should not give up exercise, which can help you lose weight, shake off depression, and even protect your brain health.
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2023-05-07 09:17:00
#exercise #wakes #brain #give