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The Power of Emperor Beans: Health Benefits, Weight Loss, and Cooking Tips Unveiled

The so-called “Emperor” are not ordinary people. Every spring is the time when emperor beans are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and dietary medicine! Can eating kidney beans help you lose weight? Do you want to shed it? How do you cook? Emperor beans can remove heat from the stomach, strengthen the spleen and remove moisture, relieve heat and detoxify Studies have also found that its extract can prevent the flu and experts will explain clearly.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the scientific name of the emperor wife is “Laidou”. Its other names include white lentils and sweet beans, Guanyin beans, fine cotton beans, etc. The seeds of the emperor’s bean are abundant and cultivated all over the world it is from January to March.

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the nourishment of an emperor’s wife

Beans are rich in protein, iron, sugar, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. They are a natural food suitable for all ages. Huang Shuhui, a nutritionist at the Post Hospital, said that the protein and fat content of emperor beans is the highest among beans; unlike legumes such as kidney beans and kidney beans, the fiber of the bean pods is very dense, so it is generally only the kernels; (seed) eaten. Emperor beans are similar in shape to broad beans, but broad beans belong to the genus Vicia, and emperor beans belong to the genus Phaseolus.

Can Emperor Beans Lose Weight?

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Yang Shumei, a Chinese medicine practitioner at Beigang Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, said that in Chinese clinical medicine, emperor beans are called “white lentils” They are mainly used to reduce the heat of the stomach to cleanse, strengthen the spleen and reduce dampness, improve loose stool, diarrhea, excessive leucorrhea, and also It is often used to relieve heat, detoxify and relieve vomiting. Many women suffer from “leucorrhea” problems such as excessive leucorrhea, they can eat more foods such as emperor beans, lotus seeds, coix seeds, yam, and winter melon to strengthen the spleen and remove moisture, body water to rule, and to feed the oxen. and stomach.

In fact, the research team of the Academia Sinica Genome Research Center once published a study and found that FRIL, a protein extracted from white lentils, can effectively prevent the influenza virus and the new coronavirus infection.

Are kidney beans a starch?

Nutritionist Li Wanping explained that kidney beans are classified in the starch category and are also a whole grain grain, but the starch content is higher than protein. However, the protein in these starchy beans is still higher than the white rice suitable for those with high blood pressure, dieters and diabetics.

Nutritionist Li Wanping reminds you to eat starchy beans in a different way, replacing them with white rice as a main meal. the amount of rice will be reduced.

Need to shell out the emperor’s beans?

How to eat emperor beans? Should it be deleted? Nutritionist Huang Shuhui said that the emperor’s wife “eats the kernel but not the pod”, that is, he eats the seeds but not the pods, but it would be difficult if the skin (membrane a -out) is also stripped off! She said that the outer membrane of the emperor bean has a high fiber content, so you can absorb more nutrients if you eat it with the skin.

However, if there are people who don’t like the texture of the thick skin, or are old people or young children with weak knuckle action, you don’t have to worry about peeling the skin with boiling water and wash it with cold water, and the skin is removed easily, leaving the rest of the soybean trees with a fragrant taste.

What are the ships of the Emperor Bean?

How do you cook emperor beans? The Ministry of Agriculture explains that emperor beans taste good when paired with vegetables and meat, whether fried, boiled or braised Qingming Festival.

Empress Taboo Woman

However, nutritionist Huang Shuhui reminds that the high fiber content of emperor beans can easily cause flatulence for people with poor gastrointestinal function and a history of gastric ulcers, so it is not appropriate to eat more kidney disease and acute gout Patients should avoid and eat moderately on weekdays.

How to choose emperor beans?

How do you choose beans when buying them? The Ministry of Agriculture explains that if you buy beans, they should be whole and plump, with a full and shiny outer skin without spots, a slightly white-pinkish-green color with a slight red blush, and no sprouts if you buy bags of beans, When you choose, make sure there is no moisture in the bag. If you buy bean pods instead of production, it is better to have firm and plump pods, green or slightly yellow pod skin, and bean kernels convex and not flat.

◎ Image source / provided by Dazhi Image / shutterstock
◎ Data source. Consultation with experts/Ministry of Agriculture. Yang Shumei, a Chinese medicine practitioner. Nutritionist Huang Shuhui. Nutritionist Li Wanping

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2024-04-18 17:51:35

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