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The Power of Anticipation: Why We Anticipate Holidays and How It Brings Happiness

In mid-2020, it was published study Conducted by University College London, to explain exactly why most people anticipate holiday news; And it showed that “waiting for something eagerly and eagerly – as a reward or leave – is one of the most important reasons for happiness. Indeed, anticipation is often more exciting than the expected thing itself.”

“The reward is more attractive when it is expected,” the researchers said, because when people enjoy the moments leading up to the reward, they receive a positive benefit called the “anticipation benefit.” It is the one that “acquires the time – which we spend waiting for joyful things – a value, and its size is linked to the power of imagining what the next happy time will look like.”

Scientists have explained this daydream-like joy that we feel as soon as the holiday approaches, even before it begins. With a little magical effect called “dopamineIt resides in the center of our brain to give us the desire and drive to do something when we feel happy, and motivates us to enjoy waiting, so we find ourselves happy just waiting for the holidays. And when we know our holiday is coming, it increases the secretion of dopamine in our brain, giving us this exciting feeling of anticipation.

Two long studies linked not taking vacations for a long time, with a higher risk of heart attacks and heart disease (Pixels)

Vacation is a ticket to creativity

A 2016 study defined creativity as “adapting to changes and producing new and useful ideas to help solve everyday problems.”

She also pointed out that “cognitive flexibility” is the mental core of creativity, as it refers to “the ability to avoid traditional solutions and normal thinking patterns, and to overcome functional inertia.”

The researchers observed that, two weeks after the return of 46 Dutch company workers from vacation; Their thinking was free from negative stimuli, their cognitive flexibility improved, and their use of work tools became more creative. compared to their performance two weeks before the vacation.

They explained that they were taking advantage of the holiday to break their daily routine, so they would wake up and eat at different times than they used to. And they spend more time on leisure activities.

On the contrary, those who were tired of continuing to work followed routine patterns of behavior. Because their attention is focused on the pressure on them, which reduces the access of creative ideas to their awareness.

confirmed study Published in 2021, people do not experience recovery and improved creativity immediately after their vacation, but two weeks after it ends.

2 out of 3 American CEOs believe that vacations lead to increased creativity (Getty Images)

Reduce stress and protect against premature death

Flag shows The high levels of stress that we experience during work throughout the year can cause a decrease in the amount of dopamine that is released, which can cause depressive behaviors. Vacation, which frees us from stress, helps rebalance the dopamine system.

In 2016, she explained study In the field, the leave from work relieves employees of stress and provides fertile soil to achieve the three sides of a triangle of creativity. They are: reducing stress, increasing positive emotions, and diversifying experiences.

In its 2017 report, it stated American Travel Association 2 out of 3 American CEOs believe that vacations lead to increased creativity.

This undermined the common belief that “the longer a person perseveres in working without rest, the more successful he is,” and revealed the falsity of the idea that “people who do not spend their vacation advance.”

and showed study Published in 2018, 4 days of vacation had positive effects on well-being, recovery and stress for up to 45 days. Whereas, stress reduction was greater for those who spent the holidays away from home.

The authors of the study, which was published in 2021, also stated that two systematic reviews confirmed the positive impact of vacations on the health and well-being of employees, and this was evident in indicators such as reduced complaints of fatigue and poor sleep; and increased satisfaction with life.

Studies have linked not taking vacations for a long time, with a higher risk of heart attack, cardiovascular disease and even early death.

We must make sure that our holidays are really effective, by truly freeing us from the pressures of work (Getty Images)

The importance of vacation to recharge your batteries

The study, published in 2021, stated that in Western societies, regular work leave is an integral part of working life, and holidays in general are an essential component of quality of life.

but study A survey conducted by the American Travel Association found that American workers had 768 million days of unused vacation in 2018.

The American psychologist said, Catherine IshamPeople in the United States work longer hours and take less time off, which causes many mental and physical health challenges.

A short, stressful or poorly planned vacation does not improve energy levels or reduce stress, and may even counteract the benefits of time away.

As for Advance planning To leave well in advance, to get away from work, to feel safe, and to build social relationships; He made 94% of vacations achieve good results in terms of rejuvenating energy after returning to work.

We must make sure that our holidays are really effective, by really freeing us from the stress of work by avoiding going on with pending tasks, answering emails, and the like.

In addition, it is necessary to prevent our holidays from creating new stressful situations for us, trying to explore different places, enjoying exciting experiences, and even tasting new dishes.

Vacation is a recipe for luxury

Catherine Isham explained that taking a period away from a job may give us physical and mental health benefits, a better outlook on life, and greater motivation to achieve goals.

According to a study conducted by Gallup, it showed that people who always devote time to regular vacations got 68.4 degrees in the well-being index.

And found early study, that after 3 days of vacation, the subjects’ physical complaints, sleep quality, and mood improved; Compared to the situation before the vacation.

She noted that these gains continued after 5 weeks, for people who had more personal time and general satisfaction during their holidays.

and then Another studyStrengthening family ties adds to the well-being brought by holidays, by asserting that women who take vacations are more satisfied with their marriages.

2023-07-28 07:44:27

#rejoice #holidays #Lifestyle

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