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The Power and Functions of the Newly Launched James Webb Telescope

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Space telescope James Webb owned by the United States Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA successfully launched on Saturday (26/12) US time.

James Webb successfully lifts off aboard an Ariane 5 rocket, from the European Spaceport in French Guiana at 07:20 ET.

“At 07:20 ET (12:20 UTC), the start of an exciting new decade of science took to the skies. Webb’s mission to #UnfoldTheUniverse will change our understanding of space as we know it,” NASA said on Twitter.

The Webb telescope has had launch delays for years. Factors causing the delay include the pandemic and technical challenges.

But the world’s most powerful and complex space observatory, will answer questions about our solar system, and study exoplanets in new ways.

The European Space Agency called it a “great Christmas gift” for the international space team, as well as all space scientists.

NASA administrator Bill Nelson expressed his gratitude to the international team that made the Christmas Day launch mission possible.

“This is an incredible day for planet Earth. Thanks to the team. You are all amazing. Over three decades, you produced the telescope that will now take us back to the beginning of the universe. we imagine,” said Nelson shortly after the launch.

What is its scientific function and mission? See on the next page..

James Webb’s Scientific Mission and Functions



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